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how to submit a complaint about Aileen Cannon


Veteran Member
Aug 13, 2003
Basic Beliefs
Naturalism has options for "transcendence" like religion (ways to deal with fear of death, lessen suffering, be more selfless) but without false promises.
If you're pissed off that Aileen Cannon postponed Trump's documents case and feel powerless, there is something even we mere citizens can do.

Glenn Kirschner explained the process of downloading a "Complaint of Judicial Misconduct" form and filling it out.

Mr. Kirschner's video explaining it is here:

He walks people thru a LOT of links to find the form. Here's a shorter route: https://www.uscourts.gov/forms/other-forms/complaint-judicial-misconduct-or-disability

(Clicking will not start the download, this link only takes you to the page where the download button is).
After your personal info, here are details needed for the form:

Name of Judge: Judge Aileen Cannon
Court: US District Court for the District of Florida
Does complaint concern behavior of judge in a particular lawsuit: (check Yes)
Court: U.S. District Court for the District of Florida (put this in both places where it's asked)
Case Number: 23-80101-CR-Cannon
Are you party or lawyer in the lawsuit: Neither

And then your signature and the date.

He suggested an article to review how Cannon's screwing up, if wanting inspiration for phrasing your Statement of Facts to include with the form.


The relevant statute for why Cannon should have recused herself:

28 U.S. Code Section 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge. (a) Any justice, judge or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably question.

So the law says the judge SHALL, as in MUST, recuse herself, if her impartiality even just MIGHT reasonably be questioned.


FAQs about Filing a Judicial Conduct or Disability Complaint Against a Federal Judge are here: https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-jud...ling-judicial-conduct-or-disability-complaint


The place to mail it is:

The Clerk's Office for the 11th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals
56 Forsyth Street N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30303
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Here's a petition, signed by over 100k people so far:

There are half-dozen other petitions around. This is the one getting the most sigs.
Glenn Kirshner is a weekly regular on the Stephanie Miller show. He actually has a great sense of humor which he can display because the Stephanie Miller Show is a humor based show on the days news and politics. I'm sure he'll be discussing this on the show.

If you've never seen/heard the show I recommend it. It's very funny.
Are there other federal cases where the presiding judge was appointed by the defendant?

How in the MAGAverse can anyone not see an appearance of partiality?
Are there other federal cases where the presiding judge was appointed by the defendant?

How in the MAGAverse can anyone not see an appearance of partiality?
I the army, there was a usefully related saying made by the thieves who would steal your gear: "there's only one thief in the army and everyone else is just taking their shit back".

When you have, from birth, been trained to fight equality as "bias against yourself" as a defense mechanism against egalitarianism, you end up with the perception that all bias that favors you is just your due, the correct state of things, and not "actually" a bias.

It comes from a twisted concept of "bias" rooted in inaccurate perceptions of "unfair loss".

To them, Cannon and Trump are "just trying to get their shit back". Which is to say "giving apologia rather than apologizing and stepping off".
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