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Atheists likely to be wealthier

Here in the Christendom I live in, one of the bigger differences between theists and non-theist is that the nons don't justify their ugly attitudes and misbehavior with explanations that start with "God says..." and then quote an ancient people's primitive writings and ethics.

According to some leading lights among the nons, their ugly attitudes and misbehavior are often justified with explanations that start with, "evolution made us that way."
Here in the Christendom I live in, one of the bigger differences between theists and non-theist is that the nons don't justify their ugly attitudes and misbehavior with explanations that start with "God says..." and then quote an ancient people's primitive writings and ethics.

According to some leading lights among the nons, their ugly attitudes and misbehavior are often justified with explanations that start with, "evolution made us that way."

And that's based on a fundamental misunderstanding of evolutionary theory as is your hatred for it.
Here in the Christendom I live in, one of the bigger differences between theists and non-theist is that the nons don't justify their ugly attitudes and misbehavior with explanations that start with "God says..." and then quote an ancient people's primitive writings and ethics.

According to some leading lights among the nons, their ugly attitudes and misbehavior are often justified with explanations that start with, "evolution made us that way."
I don't doubt that you can find someone on the Internet being kinda stupid. But "explain" and "justify" are not the same.

Back when Trump first launched his campaign for the POTUS, I dismissed him out of hand. I knew perfectly well that he would need the Christian vote to even get the nomination. I didn't believe that any appreciable number of Believers would support a deceitful, philandering, billionaire. Mainly known for his business failures, sex life, and a TV show. Trump may as well be the poster boy for Mammon Worship!

Guess what? Christian folks dumped Jesus and His Nonsense Teachings in droves. Where do you see anything resembling reverence for the speaker of the words "What you do for the Least you do for me." in the Teaparty platform? It's not there.
Nevertheless, exist polls put Trump's support amongst Evangelical Christian voters at 80%.

Christian morality is ruining my country.
Here in the Christendom I live in, one of the bigger differences between theists and non-theist is that the nons don't justify their ugly attitudes and misbehavior with explanations that start with "God says..." and then quote an ancient people's primitive writings and ethics.

According to some leading lights among the nons, their ugly attitudes and misbehavior are often justified with explanations that start with, "evolution made us that way."
I don't doubt that you can find someone on the Internet being kinda stupid. But "explain" and "justify" are not the same.

Back when Trump first launched his campaign for the POTUS, I dismissed him out of hand. I knew perfectly well that he would need the Christian vote to even get the nomination. I didn't believe that any appreciable number of Believers would support a deceitful, philandering, billionaire. Mainly known for his business failures, sex life, and a TV show. Trump may as well be the poster boy for Mammon Worship!

Guess what? Christian folks dumped Jesus and His Nonsense Teachings in droves. Where do you see anything resembling reverence for the speaker of the words "What you do for the Least you do for me." in the Teaparty platform? It's not there.
Nevertheless, exist polls put Trump's support amongst Evangelical Christian voters at 80%.

Christian morality is ruining my country.
You are 100% correct, sir. And now the contagion is taking over my country, too. I'm not content, however, to simply snipe at the Christian Right. The opponents of the Christian Right need to develop an affirmation, and not simply a negation. Affirm existence, affirm life, affirm the nation, affirm the people. Do this, and the Christian Right will fall.
The opponents of the Christian Right need to develop an affirmation, and not simply a negation. Affirm existence, affirm life, affirm the nation, affirm the people. Do this, and the Christian Right will fall.
It's generally referred to as "Secular Humanism" and has been around for about a century.
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The opponents of the Christian Right need to develop an affirmation, and not simply a negation. Affirm existence, affirm life, affirm the nation, affirm the people. Do this, and the Christian Right will fall.
It's generally referred to as "Secular Humanism" and has been around for about a century.
Not good enough. What is required is to seize the full power that underlies the Christian Right, to seize the Bible from them and beat them down with it, to show them that they have completely misunderstood and distorted what they purport to uphold, and that from now on, it will be in the hands of the globalists, the socialists, the atheists and the Jews.
Not good enough. What is required is to seize the full power that underlies the Christian Right, to seize the Bible from them and beat them down with it, to show them that they have completely misunderstood and distorted what they purport to uphold, and that from now on, it will be in the hands of the globalists, the socialists, the atheists and the Jews.
Do you realize how religious that sounds to me?
One thing that strikes me as rather confusing here, or perhaps liable to be confused by the dualist, is this concept of distinction between "physical" things and "social" things, and the inability to understand that the physical materialist says both are actually physical phenomena.

The very way we have the conversation here looks away from this fact, the very words we are forming an unfortunate and persistent lie that is too easy to believe as a truth: that we are really trying to separate arbitrary emulations from direct instantiations.

In this paradigm, it is apparent that both things are physically real, but one such thing can be reconfigured and such supports the emulation of an arbitrary image.

These are not, however, nonphysical.

Rather, they have "logical" qualities in addition to being physical.

In many cases the physical materialist is MORE concerned with logical phenomena emulated by physical systems than purely physical phenomena, because this allowed understanding how to configure a system to get some predictable result! Without understanding the concept of rearranging arbitrary stuff to create logical structures, we would be incapable of generating any physical solution to any physical problem (including the kinds created by implementations of certain logical structures).

Ironically, this discussion touches the very heart of the power of creation, the power of manifesting emulated images into more concrete physical structures, of decompressing the physical text into a physical object that is not text.

Endless piles of text have been devoted to this simple relationship and altogether too many of them are religious.
Not good enough. What is required is to seize the full power that underlies the Christian Right, to seize the Bible from them and beat them down with it, to show them that they have completely misunderstood and distorted what they purport to uphold, and that from now on, it will be in the hands of the globalists, the socialists, the atheists and the Jews.
Do you realize how religious that sounds to me?
It is spiritual atheism.
What is required is to seize the full power that underlies the Christian Right, to seize the Bible from them and beat them down with it, to show them that they have completely misunderstood and distorted what they purport to uphold
Honestly dude,
You don't seem to grasp why so many posters on IIDB respond angrily to you. It's because your attitude and posting style is so reminiscent of a Teapartier quoting Leviticus to justify doing horrible things to Central American immigrants.

Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but it's true.
Not good enough. What is required is to seize the full power that underlies the Christian Right, to seize the Bible from them and beat them down with it, to show them that they have completely misunderstood and distorted what they purport to uphold, and that from now on, it will be in the hands of the globalists, the socialists, the atheists and the Jews.
Do you realize how religious that sounds to me?
It is spiritual atheism.
You can make up any oxymoron you want to justify your lust for power. A big favorite of mine is Trinitarian Monotheism.
But the fact remains, you are using the scriptures you prefer to justify your ugly attitudes towards the people around you.
It is spiritual atheism.
You can make up any oxymoron you want to justify your lust for power. A big favorite of mine is Trinitarian Monotheism.
But the fact remains, you are using the scriptures you prefer to justify your ugly attitudes towards the people around you.

The United States and its satellites are in a battle to the death with the forces of reaction, ignorance and oppression. In this battle, atheists have a major role. However, unless and until they learn to use the Bible rather than just dismiss it, they will be useless pylons for their allies and helpless stooges for the forces they oppose.
The problem with such a claim, No Robots, is that MOST people are MOSTLY right MOST of the time, but the Bible is so often wrong, the words of the occasionally insightful socially minded people so often misunderstood by others or even themselves, that it's lack of some secular basis of logic renders it a mere curiosity.
The problem with such a claim, No Robots, is that MOST people are MOSTLY right MOST of the time, but the Bible is so often wrong, the words of the occasionally insightful socially minded people so often misunderstood by others or even themselves, that it's lack of some secular basis of logic renders it a mere curiosity.
So the atheists continue with their dismissal and remain useless pylons and helpless stooges. Q.E.D., motherfuckers. Hope you enjoy watching your country burn to the ground.
The United States and its satellites are in a battle to the death with the forces of reaction, ignorance and oppression. In this battle, atheists have a major role. However, unless and until they learn to use the Bible rather than just dismiss it, they will be useless pylons for their allies and helpless stooges for the forces they oppose.
Yeah yeah,
From Crusading Popes to Cortez to Trump to You, "We must crush the evil doers and Rule!"
The United States and its satellites are in a battle to the death with the forces of reaction, ignorance and oppression. In this battle, atheists have a major role. However, unless and until they learn to use the Bible rather than just dismiss it, they will be useless pylons for their allies and helpless stooges for the forces they oppose.
Yeah yeah,
From Crusading Popes to Cortez to Trump to You, "We must crush the evil doers and Rule!"
And you just sit back and let the fuckers run over you. Well, not me, pal.
The United States and its satellites are in a battle to the death with the forces of reaction, ignorance and oppression. In this battle, atheists have a major role. However, unless and until they learn to use the Bible rather than just dismiss it, they will be useless pylons for their allies and helpless stooges for the forces they oppose.
Yeah yeah,
From Crusading Popes to Cortez to Trump to You, "We must crush the evil doers and Rule!"
And you just sit back and let the fuckers run over you. Well, not me, pal.
You could be a Teapartier.
The problem with such a claim, No Robots, is that MOST people are MOSTLY right MOST of the time, but the Bible is so often wrong, the words of the occasionally insightful socially minded people so often misunderstood by others or even themselves, that it's lack of some secular basis of logic renders it a mere curiosity.
So the atheists continue with their dismissal and remain useless pylons and helpless stooges. Q.E.D., motherfuckers. Hope you enjoy watching your country burn to the ground.
No, atheists continue to be the one source of building a philosophical structure on well founded principles independent of religious claims.

The reality is that the people trying to burn everything don't care about the Bible in the first place. It is fairly universally used as a basis for an argument from authority that has said, at some point or another, every possible thing every possible person with any possible agenda ever pursued.

There's no way to use something so contradictory to criticize folks since there will always be an equally biblical counter.
You are 100% correct, sir.

Oh fuck you. Don't pretend to act all civil and polite when you just slandered all atheists.
Was I civil and polite? Oh, I am sorry. Let me fix that. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Feel better?

I was more going for you acknowledging that what you did was slander, but you're too much of a dumbfuck to get that.
Slander? Your own guru says as much.
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