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    I Know that I Know; that I Know that I Know!

    Over the years “religious” acquaintances of mine have defended their supernatural beliefs by saying, “I know that I know; that I know that I know.” For me, this is an egotistical defense of stupidity. Their use of “I know” is basically a sandbagging defense mechanism since there is no way to...
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    Spirituality and/or Religion?

    I have asked, “Is it possible to be a spiritual person without being a religious person?,” “Is it conceivable to be a spiritual person and not belong to an organized religion?,” and “Can a person be spiritual and at the same time be an atheist?” I submit that the answers to all of these...
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    Theology of Separation

    A Theology of Separation is a wants-based theology. A wants-based theology has human interaction with an ultimate source in an endless petitionary role. I want ---> I petition; I am in trouble ---> I pray; I desire ---> I seed faith money. A wants-based theology is a dependent theology based...
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    Gnostic Gospels

    In 1945, 52 texts that came to be known as the Gnostic Gospels were discovered at Nag Hammali in Upper Egypt. These cryptic ancient papyrus manuscripts were hidden to avoid destruction by the Orthodox Christians. Gnostic Christian monks hid them sometime between 120 and 400 A.D. These heretical...
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    Simple Believers

    Clement of Alexandria was a 2nd-3rd Century theologian who spoke of the ease of converting the many uneducated “simple believers”of his day to Christianity. I do understand and sympathize with these early believers who needed something to believe in. These early believers who feared death and...
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    Supernatural Silliness

    I have come to realize that if religious indoctrination takes place at a young enough age, it is astonishing what humans will believe. And, religious indoctrinated people will reject any future contrary information and/or opposition to the supernatural beliefs they have been taught. Early...
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    What is Faith?

    What is Faith? Over the years I have heard many people, who can’t scientifically or logically defend their supernatural beliefs, end up saying they are based on faith. Thus, I came to ask, “What is Faith?” I now argue that faith has a lot to do with what part of the globe a person is born in...
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    Stockholm Syndrome

    Stockholm Syndrome - I have difficulty understanding how any reasonably thinking person can have the faith of Islamic Jihadist extremists who have a goal to maim and kill "unbelievers." I agree with Francis Bacon that the deeper and more absurd the faith, the deeper it appears to be engrained...
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    Auto-da-fe is an act of faith without reason and is based on childhood indoctrination. Religious beliefs appeal to our need to find meaning in life and to find meaning in death. Man-made religions appeal to our need to belong, to feel important, to manage our insecurities and fears, and to...
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    Doctrine of Infallibility

    What do you think of the Doctrine of Infallibility? For me, this doctrine correlates with inerrancy. For religions, infallibility includes saying my/our religion can't err because I/we have the Truth. Infallibility is about being right absolutely and without exception. Infallibility proclaims...
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    What do you think of the concept of Fideism? For me, fideists are those religious addicts who have beliefs not based on reason or logic. For me, fideism puts reasoning to sleep. It really amounts to an abdication of the working brain’s critical thinking skills of analysis and synthesis. Fideism...
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    I Am the Architect of My Life

    If one element of empowerment is viewed as internal locus-of-control, it becomes an empowering concept. Self-empowerment = self-determinism. I started my journey with an external locus-of-control supernatural dependency. My entire journey has been a movement to discover an internal...
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    Against My Will

    I was raised a Roman Catholic. That is raised, not born! There is a huge difference between being born with a trait and being conditioned to a belief. We are born with hair color, eye features, skeletal structure, etc. but not to religious beliefs. We are taught the beliefs of a religion and...
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    Atomic System

    Atomic Theory - The Greeks had a remarkable prescience in first guessing that matter has an atomic nature. In the 4th Century BC Democritus theorized there was a basic particle of matter. He postulated there had to be some foundational particle that couldn't be divided and called it the atom...
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    Mathematical Patterns

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    In God's Image

    Religion's spirit-body split has produced many dualistic divisions like Hell and Heaven. Hell (fictional dystopia) is ostensibly the realm of the damned. Heaven (fictional utopia) is supposedly the realm of the saved. Many religions have their laudatory chosen few destined to go to Heaven (the...
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    Mathematics and Nature

    Mathematics was not my best subject in school, but I now understand it is the universal language in studying Nature. Galileo said, “mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe.”(17th Cent) I amend his quote by saying mathematics is the language to investigate the truths in...
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    Nature's Connectivity

    Cosmology is the study of what exists in the Universe. Physics is primarily a study of energy and matter. Astrophysics combines the two and it becomes the study of the Cosmos and of physics. Astrophysicists attempt to understand the realities of the Cosmos ----> astro (celestial) + physics...
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    It is by way of naturalistic patterns and order, I feel gifted to have a foundational footage to build my nature-based worldview. I find it interesting that the Greek root word for planet is planetai ---> meaning "wandering." I endorse the idea that us human earthlings we are indeed...
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