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Nikki Haley 2024? Or VP 2020?

I wondered what the emoji meant, but I think some of us simply had the need to make sure that everyone on this thread knew that slavery was the only reason for the civil war and that Haley really screwed up by not simply saying the word, "slavery".

I heard this morning that she or some of her supporters are blaming some Democrat for asking that question.
In 1894, the United Daught ers Of The Confederacy was formed. The claims that the civil war was about state rights and not slavery was a creation of UDC. Ignoring all the facts. This extremely racist outfit fought civil rights, and since the 50's in Texas successfully censored Texas textbooks.

I once had a Republican friend who was originally from NC and every year, she would go back home to march in the Confederate Parade in the town where she was raised. I don't remember which town she was from, but I think it was on the coast.

But, it's not just the South that believes crazy things. People in the Northeast, especially in NJ still celebrate Columbus Day. I was raised to believe that Columbus was this great guy who discovered America. Myths abound all over the world about the origins of places and the meanings of things. Plus in many ways, the Northeast is more racist than the South. Just ask some Black folks who lived there. It's just a very different, quieter, more segregated not in my back yard type of racism.

Any of the better, not totally crazy Republicans have already left the station. Chris Christie isn't that bad, but he hasn't got a chance of becoming the Republican nominee. The thing that really gets me about him and similar Republicans is that they will criticize Trump all day long, but when asked if they will vote for him if he's the nominee, they say they will. Liz Cheney is the only decent one. I doubt I would agree with her on a single policy, but at least she's honest and has the courage to stand up to Trump and say that she will vote for Biden, even though she doesn't agree with his policies.
There's a guy I see occasionally in my town driving a truck with a big sign on the back that shows a Confederate flag with the legend "If you don't like this flag then you need a history lesson." I haven't waved him to a stop yet for my lesson.
It does look like Nikki Haley was on track to emerge from the pack as Trump's main rival. Now she is facing a firestorm over a trick question: What was the cause of the Civil War? Obviously, that calls for a very nuanced response, because everybody just jumps to the conclusion that it was over slavery....
You're probably being sarcastic, but in case someone takes your comment at face-value . . .
You're probably correct that the post was sarcastic, but without the /s, it can be confusing. :)

I thought that the smiley would be a clue, but I see that I needed something stronger to signal my intent. In any case, you've both been reading my posts for years and ought to know that I would never seriously defend such an absurd take on the Civil War. The question was hard for Haley, because it forced her to take a public stand on a subject that was controversial even in her state-internal election campaigns. She got away with it in South Carolina, the first state to secede and the state that named slavery as the reason for it in its secession declaration. And she made this major blunder in New Hampshire, of all places--a state that fought on the Union side. The fact that she considered it a hard question to answer and admitted that openly at the time showed that she knew full well how her answer would be received. Alarm bells were going off inside her head, but she ignored them.
As I wrote, my post was for "someone [who] takes your comment at face-value." I've long regarded you as one of the most intelligent Infidels; I didn't doubt your wisdom.

Kind words. The fact is that I forgot  Poe's Law.

Poe's law is an adage of internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.

I wondered what the emoji meant, but I think some of us simply had the need to make sure that everyone on this thread knew that slavery was the only reason for the civil war and that Haley really screwed up by not simply saying the word, "slavery".

I heard this morning that she or some of her supporters are blaming some Democrat for asking that question.
In 1894, the United Daught ers Of The Confederacy was formed. The claims that the civil war was about state rights and not slavery was a creation of UDC. Ignoring all the facts. This extremely racist outfit fought civil rights, and since the 50's in Texas successfully censored Texas textbooks.

I once had a Republican friend who was originally from NC and every year, she would go back home to march in the Confederate Parade in the town where she was raised. I don't remember which town she was from, but I think it was on the coast.

But, it's not just the South that believes crazy things. People in the Northeast, especially in NJ still celebrate Columbus Day. I was raised to believe that Columbus was this great guy who discovered America. Myths abound all over the world about the origins of places and the meanings of things. Plus in many ways, the Northeast is more racist than the South. Just ask some Black folks who lived there. It's just a very different, quieter, more segregated not in my back yard type of racism.

Any of the better, not totally crazy Republicans have already left the station. Chris Christie isn't that bad, but he hasn't got a chance of becoming the Republican nominee. The thing that really gets me about him and similar Republicans is that they will criticize Trump all day long, but when asked if they will vote for him if he's the nominee, they say they will. Liz Cheney is the only decent one. I doubt I would agree with her on a single policy, but at least she's honest and has the courage to stand up to Trump and say that she will vote for Biden, even though she doesn't agree with his policies.

Growing up in a white, extremely racist suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, in the 50s and early 60s, I was taught this same claptrap about the history of the Civil War in my social studies classes. The Parma school system at that time was full of fear of the Civil Rights movement and the social changes that were coming. The propaganda in our school curriculum was not all that different from what was doled out in the South, so the question of what the Civil War was really fought over was considered genuinely controversial. Every racist trope can be found in the godawful white supremacist D.W. Griffith classic propaganda piece, The Birth of a Nation (originally titled The Clansman). It was even aired in the White House by President Woodrow Wilson, a Southern Democratic President.

I was taught the civil war was about slavey, but we also were taught a bunch of "malarkey", ;) when it came to other aspects of history. We weren't taught about the genecide of indigenous people, for example . I grew up in a neighborhood full of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants, but everyone one was white. Everything was whitewashed.

My high school had about 3000 students, but less than 50 of them were Black and they were mostly upper middle class. The poor minorities were in cities like Paterson and Newark. :(
I had some wonderful teachers in h.s., mostly from the English department, but even English had some ridiculous material. Diagramming sentences! What a waste of time. I learned nothing essential about writing from that. I took U.S. history in two different grades (might've been 8th and 10th...I forget), but really it needs to be taught in two consecutive years, with no overlaps. Year One should end either just before or just after the Civil War. Year Two should go forward to the 21st Century. Get rid of state history; too many Americans don't stay in their state of birth. Senior year should have a civics/economics class that goes into government, law, and the finances of everyday life. And for Pete's sake let's teach kids what propaganda is, and how to spot the techniques of demagogues.
I had some wonderful teachers in h.s., mostly from the English department, but even English had some ridiculous material. Diagramming sentences! What a waste of time. I learned nothing essential about writing from that. I took U.S. history in two different grades (might've been 8th and 10th...I forget), but really it needs to be taught in two consecutive years, with no overlaps. Year One should end either just before or just after the Civil War. Year Two should go forward to the 21st Century. Get rid of state history; too many Americans don't stay in their state of birth. Senior year should have a civics/economics class that goes into government, law, and the finances of everyday life. And for Pete's sake let's teach kids what propaganda is, and how to spot the techniques of demagogues.
Aside from that pick apart a sentence bullshit, I recall taking Mass Media in 1980 @ Ohio Public Schools, which was actually quite good. These classes probably come and go out of the curriculum. At the time, 4.5 credits of English were required, more than double any other area so that, science fiction, dusty old literature by dusty old Mr. Gunch, anything and everything to hit the mark.
Yeah, I also took “Media Studies” in the 80s and it was about how to detect media bullshit. Maybe that was Reagan having an influence on the need for bullshit detection.
Does the US even have enough history for two years of high school classes?

More than Australia for sure. I mean what's there? Some convicts got sent over, opera house was built, some wildfires. That's about it.
An interesting YouTube that should be cross-posted to a Trump thread:

Trump repeatedly states that Nikki Haley was in charge of Capitol security on January 6 -- obviously an absurd claim. (Was even Nancy Pelosi "in charge of Capitol security"?)

This confusion would seem to be severe dementia: Perhaps Trump should take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment again to learn how much deterioration there has been. But is it possible that he just doesn't care? He "could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and [not] lose voters", the rare MAGAturd that even notices this gaffe won't care about it.
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