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Sea Monster Spotted On Pier In South Haven Michigan

Longish strip of rubber from a shipping vessel.


Or a Mishibizhiw carcass. I guess. If so, don't touch it.
Yeah, there is not enough detail to make any sense of it but it looks like it could be a rubber rub rail some ship lost, a section of black fire hose, etc... or Nessy is on vacation in Michigan and strangely seems not capable of figuring out how to keep from being banged against the pier by swimming away.
There was a report of a huge monster in the Delaware River, turned out it was Trump swimming.
Anything is an inexplicable monster, as long as you're sufficiently bad at explaining things.

In the same way that any object that flies is a UFO as long as you're sufficiently bad at identifying things.

"I don't know, therefore I conclude X" is the least compelling form of argument in history. Bizarrely, it seems to also be one of the most popular.

'It's not clear what it is, therefore it's a sea monster'.

'I can't identify this flying object, therefore it's visitors from another planet'.

'I can't think of an easy way he could have found out this information about my family, therefore he must be able to converse with my dead relatives'.

'This tale describes things that are physically impossible, therefore it's describing a miracle worker'.

It's a very odd way of failing to understand the world.
Well I'm sold. I mean, sure... it only moves with the waves, but I'm not letting that stop me for speculating that it is a monster.
The headline reads, “Video captures ‘sea monster’ swimming near pier in South Haven.”

It never even crossed my mind they had a video that captures a sea monster. Had the headline read something like, “Video captures sea monster swimming near pier in South Haven[,]” then I’d of been a little more skeptical.
Well, they seemed to take it a little more seriously.

Whatever it is, it appears to poke its head out of the water before slinking its way toward the pier. After stopping underneath it for a few seconds, it jumps back into the water quickly. The object appears to have a large tail and Wenzel commented that it appears to have a dorsal fin and a forked tail.
Well, they seemed to take it a little more seriously.

Whatever it is, it appears to poke its head out of the water before slinking its way toward the pier. After stopping underneath it for a few seconds, it jumps back into the water quickly. The object appears to have a large tail and Wenzel commented that it appears to have a dorsal fin and a forked tail.

A really serious case of pareidolia.
I don't mind cryptozoologists nearly as much as most other pseudoscientists. They're at least, in general, saying how neat it would be if things like this actually existed. And they're right that a world with extant dinosaurs and yetis would actually be cooler, in a way.

I think they're wrong 99.99% of the time in their explanations, but compared to antivaxxers, to flat earthers, to moon landing and 9/11 and Holocaust deniers, they're much nicer to deal with.

I don't mind cryptozoologists nearly as much as most other pseudoscientists. They're at least, in general, saying how neat it would be if things like this actually existed. And they're right that a world with extant dinosaurs and yetis would actually be cooler, in a way.

I think they're wrong 99.99% of the time in their explanations, but compared to antivaxxers, to flat earthers, to moon landing and 9/11 and Holocaust deniers, they're much nicer to deal with.


I agree. In fact I would go a little further. Many cryptozoologists go off the deep end with their acceptance of "sighting" claims but I do think there are critters (even large mammals) that have not yet been cataloged. For instance, in the 1990s new species of deer like animals found in Vietnam were cataloged, the saola and the giant muntjac
I don't mind cryptozoologists nearly as much as most other pseudoscientists. They're at least, in general, saying how neat it would be if things like this actually existed. And they're right that a world with extant dinosaurs and yetis would actually be cooler, in a way.

I think they're wrong 99.99% of the time in their explanations, but compared to antivaxxers, to flat earthers, to moon landing and 9/11 and Holocaust deniers, they're much nicer to deal with.


Those of us who know what we are doing in the programming field know that crypto is something you leave to the experts! :)
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