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Jokodo's latest activity

  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    Is no testosterone even on the table? It's anyone going for it? Even a typical female developmental trajectory includes testosterone -...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    tL;dr: having sex that can potentially result in offspring is neither necessary nor sufficient for "heterosexuality". A man in a...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    I'm not sure you are getting what I'm saying in the following bits. That's almost certainly true when you talk about exclusively...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Microwaving Grapes.
    To which you could not resist...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    We weren't discussing dinner, we were discussing evolution. If you asked me which cultures traditionally consume monkeys, I wouldn't...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    I said pretty explicitly I'm only speaking for myself. But so are you. I have no idea whether there's a cultural difference between...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    Old habits die hard, and we can't keep track of every special interest group, can we? Maybe that's just me, but it did remind me of...
  • J
    Jokodo reacted to Loren Pechtel's post in the thread Gender Roles with Like Like.
    Agreed. Red/green on a latch won't trip me up but when it gets small I have issues. A one pixel line of FF0000 vs 00FF00 are usually...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    I'm pretty poor at reading reindeer minds, I guess they would, though. But when we circle back to humans, I would probably instinctively...
  • J
    Jokodo reacted to Loren Pechtel's post in the thread Gender Roles with Like Like.
    The problem here is "pass" has overlap. I have a rather masculine-looking SIL. Many women feel she does not pass. Which is basically...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    Scramble out how?
  • J
    Jokodo reacted to Emily Lake's post in the thread Gender Roles with Like Like.
    The reproductive tract is a fundamental component. If the differentiation stage doesn't trigger - if the wolffian or mullerian path...
  • J
    I'm sure you know this and are just willing to accept a small inaccuracy for a pun, but other readers may not: getting two dense objects...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    I refer you to this post, where I lay out why I feel whether something is or isn't a medical condition is context dependent, while...
  • J
    Jokodo replied to the thread Gender Roles.
    Jarhyn's kind of right about lifespan though. Testosterone, according to my readings, is fairly directly involved in men's lower life...
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