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Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

It is clear that the deputy did not draw the gun until Fortson opened the door holding his.
Forston was completely entitled in law to do so (if the second amendment is actually law). He didn't threaten anyone, and he had the legal right to keep and bear that gun.
Who was the lady in the video? She helped create the situation. I heard no loud noises or screams. Where I live if you call police about loud music they tell you to deal with it.
Forston was completely entitled in law to do so
Please cite the relevant portion of Florida law that says that you may answer the door for police officers holding a gun.
(if the second amendment is actually law).
It's part of the Constitution. All constitutional rights have limitations, set forth by federal and state laws. If a legislature overreaches and passes an unconstitutional law there is judicial review. But it's silly to say that just because 2nd Amendment exists, you may hold a gun in any situation.
He didn't threaten anyone, and he had the legal right to keep and bear that gun.
I would say that answering the door with a gun is threatening per se. Who does that?

Again, I think the deputy shot hastily and should have given Forston[sic] more time to comply. But to say that Fortson [correct spelling] did nothing wrong because the 2nd Amendment is absolute is a bad take.
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should have given Forston more time to comply.
In the video above,
Deputy shot 3 times BEFORE shouting "Drop the gun."
Victim was not pointing the gun. Holding it lax at his side.
I would say that answering the door with a gun is threatening per se. Who does that?
Depends on your neighborhood.
Try Texas.
If it's OK for cops to shoot someone because they believe that person to be armed, then people do NOT have the right to bear arms.
I noticed that you summarily ignored my point that a worse thing (shot while holding a game controller) happened to a white teen, and that therefore you making this shooting all about race is invalid.
IF the second amendment is valid, THEN the police are NEVER justified in taking ANY action (much less using lethal force) on the basis that a citizen is armed - they should expect any and all citizens to be armed at any time, and consider it no more an excuse to act than the wearing of a hat, or pants.
That is not how courts have interpreted the 2nd Amendment (or any of the constitutional provisions for that matter). But I guess the opinion of some random Bruce outweighs all that?
Please cite the relevant portion of Florida law that says that you may answer the door for police officers holding a gun.
Are you fucking serious? Try this - what was the guy doing that was explicitly illegal? And this is Florida, land of the fuckwits. I suspect cops get greeted with citizens carrying guns All. The. Time. It's just that this one particular time it ended with a fatality. I don't know why this time it was different, maybe you could enlighten us.
Required Proof

To prove the crime of Improper Exhibition of a Firearm or Weapon in Florida, the prosecution must establish the following three elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

The defendant had or carried a “weapon;”
The defendant exhibited the alleged weapon in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner; and
The defendant did so in the presence of one or more persons.

Fla. Std. Jury Instr. (Crim) 10.5
Who was the lady in the video? She helped create the situation. I heard no loud noises or screams. Where I live if you call police about loud music they tell you to deal with it.
What lady? Is there another video?
In the whole body cam the police spoke to a woman before he went up to the apartment. I can't find it now. It was 4 min. long.
Seems like cops ought to be armed with low-lethality or nonlethal weapons as much as possible.

But shooting six bullets? That goes far beyond a reasonable degree of self-defense.
Who was the lady in the video? She helped create the situation. I heard no loud noises or screams. Where I live if you call police about loud music they tell you to deal with it.
What lady? Is there another video?
In the whole body cam the police spoke to a woman before he went up to the apartment. I can't find it now. It was 4 min. long.

I noticed that you summarily ignored my point that a worse thing (shot while holding a game controller) happened to a white teen, and that therefore you making this shooting all about race is invalid.

Do you even read your own posts? If cops kill 999 blacks while killing 1 white, in your view the 1 killing proves the 999 were not racist?
Are you fucking serious? Try this - what was the guy doing that was explicitly illegal? And this is Florida, land of the fuckwits. I suspect cops get greeted with citizens carrying guns All. The. Time. It's just that this one particular time it ended with a fatality. I don't know why this time it was different, maybe you could enlighten us.
Please provided evidence that people answer the door "All. The. Time." with guns when cops come knocking.
Do you even read your own posts? If cops kill 999 blacks while killing 1 white, in your view the 1 killing proves the 999 were not racist?
What does your entirely invented ratio have to do with anything?
That was exactly the thought about your game controller example.
Do you even read your own posts? If cops kill 999 blacks while killing 1 white, in your view the 1 killing proves the 999 were not racist?
What does your entirely invented ratio have to do with anything?

YOU are the one who held up the killing of ONE (1) white man in what you seemed to think was a refutation of any possible racism in the police killings of 200+ black men last year.

The Ilk still pretends that police shootings are all about race though.

Wrong again! It is YOUR Ilk that is unable to cope with "shades of gray;" unable to conceive of multiple causes and nuance. YOU assume, stupidly, that there is ZERO racism in U.S. policing and project onto rational thinkers the counter-idea that EVERYTHING is racism.
YOU are the one who held up the killing of ONE (1) white man in
So a 17 year old white teen is a "man" now?
what you seemed to think was a refutation of any possible racism in the police killings of 200+ black men last year.
Just because they were black does not mean that they were shot because of racism. What were they doing? Why were they shot? Almost all police shootings are justified and vast majority involve armed perps. You can't just assume racism. You have to show that a particular case involved racism.

Wrong again!
No. You are wrong. Bilby assumed that the shooting was racially motivated.
...the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, unless you are a black man in his own home, seeking to defend it from intruders, in which case your summary execution by law enforcement officers is perfectly OK, if you are bearing (or they are frightened that you might be bearing) arms.

- Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, Florida Edition.
This is the post I was replying to.
It is YOUR Ilk that is unable to cope with "shades of gray;" unable to conceive of multiple causes and nuance. YOU assume, stupidly, that there is ZERO racism in U.S. policing and project onto rational thinkers the counter-idea that EVERYTHING is racism.
No I do not think there is "zero racism". Police are human, and there are going to be racists among them - including anti-white racists btw. But one should not assume racism just because a black man was shot this time.
Actually I think the sheriff in this case is black. His hands looked pretty dark to me.

But I've been mistaken before.
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