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The Race For 2024

Trump won, there weren't riots by the Left.

No but there was much gnashing of teeth. And Madonna wanted to blow up the Whitehouse. And who can forget the laughable "pussy hat" nonsense?


One women screaming is all you got!??

It's not a case of "all I got", I'm just pointing out the general hysteria over Trumps win by many, particularly the luvvies in Hollywood who threatened to leave the USA and I don't think any of them followed through on that. And all the dullards that showed up outside the White House in their silly "pussy hats".

The big deal here is that Trump tried to overturn the election.

The important thing to try to remember here is that he was unsuccessful. (y)

Thats about the worse excuse for a crime that I've ever heard!

Crime? What crime? Committed by who?

But do you think that after having failed to overturn the election the first time, that he'd equally fail the second the time?

Yes, of course he would fail.

Oh gotcha! You didn't know about the fake electors scheme? Check out:

When Trump took office in 2016, he took an oath to follow the constitution. And yet he clearly violated in the above. Why should we believe that he'd follow it the second time?

Because the fuhrer says so. Trump supporters don’t want to think. They want to follow and obey their idol. Thinking is for the elite and the elite is the enemy.
The important thing to try to remember here is that he was unsuccessful. (y)
Thats about the worse excuse for a crime that I've ever heard!
It sounds like "Sideshow" Bob Terwillger, whining about his unfair incarceration:

Robert Underdunk Terwilliger Jr. said:
They threw me in prison for what? Something I didn't even do! Attempted murder? What is that anyway? Do they give a Nobel Prize for Attempted Chemistry?
Oh gotcha! You didn't know about the fake electors scheme? Check out:


When Trump took office in 2016, he took an oath to follow the constitution. And yet he clearly violated in the above. Why should we believe that he'd follow it the second time?

Dude, Trump was kicked out of office in 2020. Stop acting like Trump actually managed to overturn the election.
Your information sources are so severely flawed that it boggles the mind.
"Information sources" include being alive during the 2020 riots.
57% of GOPsters still think Trump won the 2020 election. Many top GOP politicians pretend to believe this also.
That doesn't prove that only the right would riot if their guy were to lose. The Left has shown propensity for political riots throughout the 2nd half of 2020 as well as with the violence against the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center in 2023/24.
The attempted J6 coup was by Republican Trumplickers.
Democrats simply do not do such things. Political or racist violence, disrespect for the Constitution and for democracy, raw stupidity encouraged by their leaders -- These are all Republican traits.
The Left has engaged in a lot of political violence over the last few decades. Just as an example, since you do not accept violence outside the US Capitol as significant, in the 80s members of your Ilk bombed the US Senate building. Bill Clinton commuted their sentences in the 90s.
In another recent post you wrote some garbage like "Kyle Rittenhouse ... self-defense ... End of story."
It was self defense. The hate priapism your Ilk has for that guy is truly pathetic.
It is unusually stupid, even for you, to believe that's the whole story.
Resorting to insults is a sure sign that you have nothing, and that you know it. It's not the whole story, but it's the end of the story. Period.
Kyle was an immature brat who was gifted an assault rifle while still a teeny-bopper,
It was not an  assault rifle and I do not think he was gifted it - he used his COVID stimulus money to buy it if I remember correctly.
an "actual" child.
Nope. A teenager. In fact, at 17, almost a legal adult.
He then went out to play vigilante.
He sought to protect the businesses being vandalized and torched by the far left rioters (or "peaceful protestors" as CNN calls them). The day before he helped out cleaning up graffiti.

Do you think these acts were appropriate?
I do not think he should have went to the riots like he did. That was foolish and almost cost him his life or freedom.
However, I do think his intentions were good. Unlike the intentions of the troika that attacked him or other rioters who vandalized and burned down buildings just because of a justifiable shooting of a thug.
Acquittal might have been appropriate, but that doesn't make the gift or Kyle's behavior proper.
The acquittal was appropriate. In fact, he should not have been charged in the first place.
To write "End of story" as you did is hogwash. Kyle is now a right-wing celebrity; while Tamar Rice -- the "actual" child with a toy gun -- is dead -- a murder-by-cops that I suppose you supported.
Celebrity? The only times I ever hear his name any more is when your Ilk bring it up. Who is Tamar Rice? The only Tamar I know is the woman who tricked her father-in-law Judah to sleep with her. Oh, you must mean Tamir Rice? That was a tragic situation, with mistakes made on both sides, but it wasn't murder.
I thin it's fair to call Kyle a right-winger. In your crazed understanding, I suppose you treat AOC and MTG as "same-same."
You do love to jump around topics. I guess Ritt is a right-winger. Given the amount of unjustified hatred he got from the Left, can you even blame him?
And no, AOC and MTG are not same. AOC is clearly more intelligent. They are both extremists though, and AOC is more dangerous in the long run.
But rational observers are quite aware that there is a HUGE gap today between the behavior of Redshirts and Blueshirts.
Are we talking TOS or TNG color schemes?


At one point, the "go-to" example for Antifa misbehavior was the video showing the petite Yvette Felarca pushing a big strong Nazi with the palm of her hand and being charged with assault.
Well, that was in 2016. Since then we have had 2020 riots. And what Felarca did was most definitely assault. She only got community service but is still working as a teacher in Berkeley.

Your comment is so imbecilic I'll celebrate it by using a larger font:
As I said before, when you know that you have nothing substantive, you resort to insults.

No, I do not "foresee" such a hugely unlikely result.
We will see. Given 2020, I fear there will be rioting no matter who wins.
Your information sources are so severely flawed that it boggles the mind.
"Information sources" include being alive during the 2020 riots.
57% of GOPsters still think Trump won the 2020 election. Many top GOP politicians pretend to believe this also.
That doesn't prove that only the right would riot if their guy were to lose. The Left has shown propensity for political riots throughout the 2nd half of 2020 as well as with the violence against the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center in 2023/24.
The attempted J6 coup was by Republican Trumplickers.
Democrats simply do not do such things. Political or racist violence, disrespect for the Constitution and for democracy, raw stupidity encouraged by their leaders -- These are all Republican traits.
The Left has engaged in a lot of political violence over the last few decades. Just as an example, since you do not accept violence outside the US Capitol as significant, in the 80s members of your Ilk bombed the US Senate building. Bill Clinton commuted their sentences in the 90s.
In another recent post you wrote some garbage like "Kyle Rittenhouse ... self-defense ... End of story."
It was self defense. The hate priapism your Ilk has for that guy is truly pathetic.
It is unusually stupid, even for you,
Kyle was an immature brat who was gifted an assault rifle while still a teeny-bopper,
It was not an  assault rifle and I do not think he was gifted it - he used his COVID stimulus money to buy it if I remember correctly.
an "actual" child.
Nope. A teenager. In fact, at 17, almost a legal adult.
Teenagers are children, so your denial of reality indicates you have nothing.
Teenagers are children, so your denial of reality indicates you have nothing.
Teenagers under 18 are minors (18 and 19 year old teenagers are legal adults, so let's leave them out for the time being). They are distinct from children in terms of physical and mental development, as well as in terms of responsibility for their actions. That's why teenagers are given more rights but also may be tried as adults for serious crimes.

It is denial of reality to think that there is no significant difference between a 10 year old child and a 16 year old teenager. A 16 year old may get a driver's license. They can get emancipated. They can have sex in many states and most countries. They even can vote in a few places. They are not the same as actual children.
The Italian word "Fascio" means "Bundle." Both Mussolini and Hitler bundled together rich and poor, left and right.
It's a reference to the  Fasces, a bundle of sticks with an axe that was used as a symbol of authority in ancient Rome. The Italian fascists took up that symbol (as well as the name), but the symbol is also used by the US government since the Founders leaned heavily on the Roman Republic for inspiration.

I do not think the name has anything to do with bundling together a diverse coalition.
That was because of race related frustration, which was amplified by the Global Pandemic.
Call it what you will, it was still left-wing violence. And it was quite destructive, even deadly.
If you want to use the Pandemic as an excuse for the 2020 riots, why can't it be an excuse for 1/6 as well?
Those protests weren't partisan. The damage was also not partisan.
They may not have been partisan in the sense of allegiance to the Democratic Party, but they were most certainly ideological, driven by the far left. Same goes for the 2023/24 violence against the training center in Atlanta. That one led to an Antifa protestor shooting a state trooper. The trooper survived, but the guy who shot him did not.
Trump won, there weren't riots by the Left.
That was also 2016, four years before the violence of 2020. It is no proof that the Left would not be rioting had Trump won in 2020.
PBS attorney resigns after saying Trump voters' children should face 're-education camps'
ABC12 said:
In a separate part of the video, the unidentified woman posing as a Biden supporter asks: “What are you going to do if we don’t win [the 2020 presidential election]?”
[Michael] Beller responds: “Go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails.”
Doesn't sound any better than what happened on 1/6.
One women screaming is all you got!??
There was also a man and a woman (Tanya Maduro, who later went on 90 Day Fiancé) who disrupted the session of Congress where VP Biden certified the election for Trump.
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Teenagers are children, so your denial of reality indicates you have nothing.
Teenagers under 18 are minors (18 and 19 year old teenagers are legal adults, so let's leave them out for the time being). They are distinct from children in terms of physical and mental development, as well as in terms of responsibility for their actions. That's why teenagers are given more rights but also may be tried as adults for serious crimes.

It is denial of reality to think that there is no significant difference between a 10 year old child and a 16 year old teenager. A 16 year old may get a driver's license. They can get emancipated. They can have sex in many states and most countries. They even can vote in a few places. They are not the same as actual children.
There are significant differences between a 10 yr old child and a 4 yr old child. But they are actual children. Just like a 16 yr is an actual child even though there are significant differences between 16 yr olds and 10 yr olds.

Pointing to legal rights has nothing to do with who is a child from a social development point of view. Anyone with a penis has the ability to insert it into an orifice regardless of age - that does not make them an adult.

Really, your argument is silly.
There are significant differences between a 10 yr old child and a 4 yr old child. But they are actual children. Just like a 16 yr is an actual child even though there are significant differences between 16 yr olds and 10 yr olds.
The big difference is puberty. The body changes, the brain changes, the interactions with other people change. Most people understand the fundamental difference between a child and a teenager. Even the law recognizes the difference. Why don't you?
In the end it is semantics, but why do you so vehemently insist on calling 16 and 17 year old near adults "actual children" instead of recognizing that they inhabit a liminal space between childhood and adulthood that deserves to be recognized as a distinct life stage?
Pointing to legal rights has nothing to do with who is a child from a social development point of view.
They are moving into adulthood form the point of view of physical, mental and, yes, social development. A teenager is distinct from actual children in all three aspects.
Anyone with a penis has the ability to insert it into an orifice regardless of age - that does not make them an adult.
I did not say they were adults. But they are not children either. It's a distinct developmental stage.
Really, your argument is silly.
No. Your obstinacy in recognizing reality is what's silly.
Polymarket ... numbers there aren't happy to look at: 47% to 45% Trump's favor. The numbers at Betfair are even worse: 48½% vs 39½%.

Is something bad happening as Michael Cohen testifies? The above numbers were from just a few hours ago, but right now we see 48% vs 44% at Polymarket and 50% vs 39% at Betfair.
Call it what you will, it was still left-wing violence. And it was quite destructive, even deadly.
...but it at no time threatened to overthrow the legitimate government of the country.

So it's not even vaguely comparible.

The significance of a violent act depends on its target; Attacking a person and attacking an entire nation are VERY different things, and the latter is (rightly) treated as MUCH a more serious offence in law.
Teenagers are children, so your denial of reality indicates you have nothing.
Teenagers under 18 are minors (18 and 19 year old teenagers are legal adults, so let's leave them out for the time being). They are distinct from children in terms of physical and mental development, as well as in terms of responsibility for their actions. That's why teenagers are given more rights but also may be tried as adults for serious crimes.

It is denial of reality to think that there is no significant difference between a 10 year old child and a 16 year old teenager. A 16 year old may get a driver's license. They can get emancipated. They can have sex in many states and most countries. They even can vote in a few places. They are not the same as actual children.
There are significant differences between a 10 yr old child and a 4 yr old child. But they are actual children. Just like a 16 yr is an actual child even though there are significant differences between 16 yr olds and 10 yr olds.

Pointing to legal rights has nothing to do with who is a child from a social development point of view. Anyone with a penis has the ability to insert it into an orifice regardless of age - that does not make them an adult.

Really, your argument is silly.
His argument is that HE thinks "child" and "infant" are exactly synonymous, and so everyone else should too.

Which is incredibly silly.
One women screaming is all you got!??
There was also a man and a woman (Tanya Maduro, who later went on 90 Day Fiancé) who disrupted the session of Congress where VP Biden certified the election for Trump.
Derec! You are not a right winger. You are more independent. Honestly, is the above equal to fake electors plot?"

The fake electors plot was a deliberate plan to overturn the constitution.
...but it at no time threatened to overthrow the legitimate government of the country.
So it's not even vaguely comparible.

I am sick of your Ilk dismissing the very destructive violence that happened throughout 2020. The destruction of private property is bad enough, as it is livelihoods of real people we are talking about. The rioters also killed several people, including a retired police captain and an 8 year old girl.
The rioters also attacked government assets. Courthouses, police stations, police vehicles. Even the ICE building in Atlanta was vandalized. The goal was clearly to disrupt public order and to extort federal and state governments into adopting policies that the rioters approved of. Policies such as defunding police.

We see similar tactics in the violence against the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. Both private and public institutions are attacked. Arson against companies involved in the process, but also shooting a state trooper. All that with the intent to effect change in public policy.

The significance of a violent act depends on its target; Attacking a person and attacking an entire nation are VERY different things, and the latter is (rightly) treated as MUCH a more serious offence in law.
In other words: fuck regular people and their livelihoods. The overlords in the Congress are the only ones who matter.
Derec! You are not a right winger. You are more independent. Honestly, is the above equal to fake electors plot?"
No, it is more comparable to the 1/6 riot. Same goal (to disrupt EC vote certification), but far fewer people.
The fake electors plot was a deliberate plan to overturn the constitution.
True. That is very different than the 1/6 riot though. I do not see any good evidence that Trump called for any illegal or violent behavior on 1/6. He called for people to protest, which is their right.

The fake elector plot is different. It is the most significant case against Trump. Too bad that Fanni Willis has jeopardized the Georgia case because she could not keep the office pen out of her ink well ...
It threatened the public order. Their goal was also to extort government into giving into their demands such as defunding police.
Everyone's goal is to get their way. And they are allowed to protest when they don't.

But they are not allowed to overthrow the government. Nor to attempt to do so.

Threatening public order is a crime; But it is NOT, in law, as severe or as serious a crime as attempting to overthrow the government.

Not even when it's being done by people you disagree with or dislike.
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