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Control Systems


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
One of the first feedback control mechanisms applied to dynamic systems may be the centrifugal speed regulator for a steam engine. Mathematically there is no difference between that and a power supply or a cruise control on a car.

In electronics an early problem was stabilizing gain of tube amplifiers in long distance telephone lines. When the amp is palced inside a feedback loop the audio out is compared to the output and the error amplifier adjusts the input to audio amp as gain changes.

At Bell Labs during WWII modern control theory was developed. A mathematician Bode was a major contributor. I read his book,

Tubes and transistors vary with temperature, voltages, and from part to part. They are also non linear. Feedback loops linearize the system reducing distortions. Audiophiles argue that feedback actual adds distortion which is true, but the distortion is below hearing threshold.

Pro[ortional control is straightforward. You press the gas petal on a car proportional to the diffence between the trarget speed and current speed. In this case your brain is the controller, your leg/foot is the proportional output of the controller to the plant which is the engine.

There are three general modes of response

Critical damping is when you transition to the target speed as quickly as possible without any overshoot.
Over damped is when you approach the target speed slowly with no overshoot.
Under damped is when you go petal to the metal , overshoot and back off the gas, then hit it again going above and below the target until you settle on the target speed.

The choice of damping depends on what you need. You may want fast response time and live with overshoot. Sometimes overshoot can be harmful. It all depnds.

A PID temperature controller.

The proportional term determines steady state acxurcay and load regulation, and affects trasient response.The derivative term responds to the shot term rate of change. The integral term responds to long term trends. Theoretically the integral term reduces error to zero, but that is impossible. If the output is exactly equal to the input the error goes to zero and there is no signal to drive the plant in this case a heater.

kp is proportional gain. Fb is the feedback, if the output is directly compared to the input the feedback is 1.

Stability analysis is done in the frequency, complex S La Place, domain using techniques like Bode plots and root locus.

Definition. The root locus of a feedback system is the graphical representation in the complex s-plane of the possible locations of its closed-loop poles for varying values of a certain system parameter. The points that are part of the root locus satisfy the angle condition.


The Barkhausen Criteria says that in a general linearr system it will oscillate when the loop gain is 1 and the phase shift around the loop is 360 degrees.

For a system to physically realizable and stable the impulse response must go to zero as time goes to infinity. It means if you thunp a bell, convolving an impulse with the bell, it will ring and decay as time passes. It will not ring forever. A system can be mathematically constructed and simulated that can not be physically implemented.

The Bode Plot plots he open loop gain and phase and is useds to asses stability. The forward gain is the ‘plant’ and the load. The fedback gain is from the load to te controller. The loop gain is Aforward(S) * Afeedback(). The two functions reduce to polynomials in S. The factors of the polynomials are the system poles and zeros and are piloted as root locus.

Stability is based on the frequency response of the open loop gain. When the phase shift is multiples of 360 degrees at a frequency with sufficient gain at the frequncy the system becomes an oscillator. Stability compensation involves modifying the open loop gain frequency response.


The code is a parallel PID controller. It has a analog electronic form.

Kuo is an old text but good if you are interested.

The thermal model is calculating the change in temperature by q = m*c*dT. The loos terms rpresent system entropy. The loss terms are not eaxactly correct but serve to make the model realistic.

The code was run on Codeblocks. You can tnker with it.

Real systems have voltage limits, when a clayclted voltage eceds a limit it is kinited to the max voltage,

Rtherm rrpesents the thermal resitance from the load to ambient. You can vary heater resistance, volage maximum, and Rtherm.

To see he time response you will have to plot results. I use Scilab, it can be done in a spreadsheet.

For a setpoint of 50 and an ambient of 27. Keep in mind 6 decimal places in maost applcations is meningless.

kp = 100, kd = 0, ki = 0 temperature is 48.100797
kp = 100, kd = 0, ki = 300 temperature = 49. 504950

The integral works as advertised.

Kp = 1000, kd = 0, ki = 0 temperature = 49.90969

Proportional alone can work. Integral comes into play when there are losses and other systemic errors in the sytem. Raising proprtional gain has limits and can lead to stability problems.

dt sets the resolution. If it is too big it won’t work properly.

void save(int n, double *x, double *y) {

int i;
ofstream sigfile;
sigfile << n << "\n";
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sigfile << x << " " << y<< "\n";
cout << "SAVE DONE" << "\n";

double integral(int n,double *x, double delt){
// simple rectangular integration
double y = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)y = y + x * delt;

double Rloss = 65000, dTloss = 0,qloss = 0;

double Cp = .4, load_temp = 0,Tamb = 27, load_mass = 1;
double kp = 0, kd = 0, ki = 0;
double Verror = 0, dt = .00001, Tsetpoint = 50, Vmax = 200;
double prop = 0,deriv = 0, integ = 0,Vplant = 0;
double Rheater = 1, q = 0, heater_power = 0;
double heater_efficency = 0.9, _time = 0, dT = 0;
double Tmax = 0,sim_time = 3;

int i = 0, j = 0, N = 0, Nbuf = 1000;

int main(){

N = int(sim_time/dt); //record length
double *buf = new double[Nbuf];
double *Tload = new double[N];
double *t = new double[N];
load_temp = Tamb;

for(i = 0; i < Nbuf;i++)buf = 0;

kp = 1e6; kd = 0; ki = 0;

for( i = 0; i < N; i++) {

t = _time;// time base
_time += dt;
//push load temperature onto the buffer
for(j = 1; j < Nbuf;j++)buf[j - 1] = buf[j];
buf[Nbuf-1] = load_temp;
Verror = Tsetpoint - load_temp;
if(Verror < 0) Verror = 0; // check for power supply saturation
if(Verror > Vmax) Verror = Vmax;
prop = kp * Verror;
deriv = kd * (buf[Nbuf-1] - buf[Nbuf-2])/dt;
integ = ki * integral(Nbuf,buf,dt);
Vplant = prop + deriv + integ;
if(Vplant < 0) Vplant = 0;
if(Vplant > Vmax) Vplant = Vmax;
heater_power = pow(Vplant,2)/Rheater; // watts
q = heater_efficency * heater_power * dt/1000.; // kilo joules
dT = q/(load_mass * Cp);
qloss = (load_temp - Tamb)/Rloss;
dTloss = qloss/(load_mass * Cp);
load_temp +=(dT - dTloss);
Tload = load_temp;

} //for

save(N, t, Tload);
Tmax = Tload[N-1];
printf("N %d \n",N);
printf("Steady State %f \n",Tmax);

Last edited:
Looks like there may have been typos when I copied the code in.

Tload = load_temp; should be
Tload = load_temp;

Looks like the editor intwretsd some tect as an enoji.

You can use the "plain" tag to suppress emojis: (plain) ... (/plan) - using square brackets.
I meant to put this in math. Mods can move it if so inclined.
A delay is added to complete the model. The delay can induce overshoot, ringing, and ossci;ation. The PID parameters, heater resistance and voltage, and dt the time resolution combine to affect the response. It is ana;ogous t aliasing in audio sampling. Dt in a simulation must be small realtive to frequency resonse components of the system. The Nyquist Criteria.

A problem wth mathematical modeling is algorithm stability. It can be difficult at times to determine if what you see in the resultants are artifacts of the simulation or represent what is being modeled. It may appear to oscillate, change dt and it may go away. It is a problem with common simulators like the electrical simulator SPICE’

The order of calculations can nnatter. Small changes in results of a chain calculation can affect results and induce artifacts.

That comes under the heading of numerical methods.

for( i = 0; i < N; i++) {

t = _time;// time base
_time += dt;

//push load temperature onto the buffer
for(j = 1; j < Nbuf;j++)buf[j - 1] = buf[j];
buf[Nbuf-1] = load_temp;

Verror = Tsetpoint - load_temp;
if(Verror < 0) Verror = 0; // check for power supply saturation
if(Verror > Vmax) Verror = Vmax;
prop = kp * Verror;
deriv = kd * (buf[Nbuf-1] - buf[Nbuf-2])/dt;
integ = ki * integral(Nbuf,buf,dt);
Vplant = prop + deriv + integ;
if(Vplant < 0) Vplant = 0;
if(Vplant > Vmax) Vplant = Vmax;

//delay to plant
for(j = 1; j < Ndelay;j++)delay[j - 1] = delay[j];
delay[Ndelay - 1] = Vplant;
Vpdelay = delay[0];

heater_power = pow(Vpdelay,2)/Rheater; // watts
q = heater_efficency * heater_power * dt/1000.; // kilo joules
dT = q/(load_mass * Cp);
qloss = (load_temp - Tamb)/Rloss;
dTloss = qloss/(load_mass * Cp);
load_temp +=(dT - dTloss);
Tload = load_temp;
} //for

save(N, t, Tload);
Tmax = Tload[N-1];
printf("N %d \n",N);
printf("Steady State %f \n",Tmax);

Hysteresis or bang-bang control.

Precise temperature control is not always needed. Depending on the load and the system sesign temperature can be regulated within a few degrees.

Hysteresis.in general means a forward and reverse path trace different contours. A magnetic core traces diffent flux density paths under cyclical excitation.

In an analog or digital circuit hysteresis means different trip points between on and off points. The difference between the two points can be called a dead zone or hysteresis band. In circuit hysteresis prevents a circuit from chattering at the trip point.

The mechanical thermostats in a room is bang-bang control.

void save(int n, double *x, double *y) {
int i;
ofstream sigfile;
sigfile << n << "\n";
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sigfile << x << " " << y<< "\n";
cout << "SAVE DONE" << "\n";

double Rloss = 1500, dTloss = 0,qloss = 0;
double Cp = .4, load_temp = 0,Tambient = 27, load_mass = 1;
double dt = 1e-3;
double q = 0;
double heater_power = 1000,_time = 0, dT = 0;
double T_high = 50,T_low = 40,sim_time = 2;
int N = 0,n = 0, FOREVER = 1;

int main(){

N = int(sim_time/dt);
double *Tload = new double[N];
double *t = new double[N];
load_temp = Tambient;
heater_power = 10000.;//watts
q = heater_power * dt/1000.; // kilo joule
dT = q/(load_mass * Cp);;


// heater on
while(T_high > load_temp){
if(n == N-1)break; // prevent over running arrays
t[n] = _time;
_time += dt;
load_temp += dT;
Tload[n] = load_temp;
if(n == N-1)break;

//heater off
while(load_temp > T_low){
if(n == N-1)break;
_time += dt;
t[n] = _time;
qloss = (load_temp - Tambient)/Rloss;
dTloss = qloss/(load_mass * Cp);
load_temp -= dTloss;
Tload[n] = load_temp;
if(n == N-1)break;

if(n == N-1)break;


save(n, t, Tload);

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