• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Humor: "How 'The Rules' are 'Wrong'" (wink wink)

Janice Rael

Maybe it's literal, maybe hyperbole.™
May 3, 2024
Jenkintown PA
Surprise me, or she/her
Basic Beliefs
I believe I need to ask more people
"You know The Rules, and so do I!" But, what if The RULES were WRONG? Then we'd be angering some deity or antichrist by enforcing The Wrong Rules every week!

I came here to tell this joke (and others). You'd better find it funny; do you know how much Gospel I had to read to make sure I was right and funny? A LOT. And that was just the KJV, I didn't even try a newer New Testament.

So anyway, I ended up forgiving everyone their trespass against me, ok? THAT's how much time I spent reading the words of Jesus Christ. I mean, He wasn't wrong about how forgiveness leads to inner peace. In the psych ward, they call it... yes, in Grippy Sock Camp, I *just* got out, and we had to learn "radical acceptance" in there. It's kind of the same thing.

So anyway, I do have a thing about THE RULES, as some of you may know, if you can remember things from eighteen or more years ago, and, I am one of those things. Thank you for thinking about me. Yes, that's another joke, but not this one.

So, since the IIDB is here to host atheological arguments, and all that anti-GOD stuff; and, since the IIDB definitely has RULES, and is known for the same... hey, I just got back here, my posts are moderated, this joke might only go to the Mods... idk how Biblically-savvy the atheists are around here, we'll see. So, as I was saying, since this forum exists in part to host arguments against the Bible... it has these RULES, and, rules against nitpicking the rules...

So, ok... the IIDB has posted RULES that must be interpreted and enforced and not nitpicked, right? Among these rules is this clarification:

Clarification of Rule 13:
13. Not to engage in trolling, brinking, or rules lawyering;

A Rules Lawyer is a participant in a rules-based environment who attempts to use the letter of the law without reference to the spirit. One version from the gaming community is relevant; The Obnoxious Rules Lawyer, which is also called a "Rule Shark", is particularly disruptive because they believe that because they can find a rule about something, the people in charge must allow them to do it, even if it doesn't make sense in the situation, or would disrupt the discussion. They want to play a game of rules instead of having an exchange of ideas."

Play a game? With RULES Lawyers, on an atheist message board? Atheist lawyers? Oh, no... oh gosh. What a country. Ok, so the worst of the Rules Lawyers are labeled as "The Obnoxious Rules Lawyer, which is also called a "Rule Shark": ... really? HERE?

Wouldn't the, uhh, unwanted Obnoxious Rules Lawyers and Rules Sharks on an atheist, anti-Bible message board be better identified as...

... "Sadducees"?

I mean, I know you all literally hate Jesus, so, I get it, I get it... why use His Words? I mean, He IS The Word, became flesh, to some people. Not to you people. Yes, I said "you people," I am addressing you; I hope you don't also oppose the notion that you are people, or that people exist.. some folks get upset by the phrase "pregnant people;" I don't know about them... they seem silly for saying that women aren't people, or that people don't get pregnant... oh gosh, wait until you hear my humor about them... the condom-needing people... oh, I am one, I have definitely needed a condom at least a few times or more... damn condom-needers...

So the rules lawyers on an atheist message board ought to be called Sadducees, right? Jesus said... oh, I know we can't know or be sure, I may have awareness of the audience here... and yes, I know, I know, it's just the King JAMES Version, ok; I admit that maybe I'm mistaken :rolleyes:... oh, are you a Sadducee now? How would I know? That's not my Word. Do I look like I know or speak Aramaic?

Of course not. I only speak English.

ETA: I did kinda laugh.
lol - the perfect reply! Thank you! I am going for laughs over here!
I joined IIDB over 20 years ago and your screen name rings a bell.
But I don't remember well enough to remember everything, I may have been drinking at the time.

Your post was kinda retro though.
This iteration of IIDB I consider at least IIDB 3.0. More like Pendarica than the IIDB I joined around 2001.
Oh well. Welcome!
Oh yes it's the same me. Too many internet and not enough typing ability.
I'm not the same.

But unfortunately, I'm still me.
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