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If you were a god


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
You are a single all powerful thinking aware god existing absolutely alone.

You can wink things into existence at your whim. What would you do?
Does this theoretical God exist outside of time? Does this theoretical God experience everything as One Big Now? Does this God experience the past, present, and future as one thing?
I'm already a god, and I am neither singular nor "all powerful" with respect to my immediate environment.

The power gods have is not necessarily over their own environment but rather over an environment of their own creation or assembly.

You too can answer this question in a less abstract way by doing exactly the same things that by definition make me a "god" and understand those things for yourself.

Yes, when interacting with my created universe I can wink things into existence without respect to the definition of work within my created universe, but that doesn't mean that doing it is without work with respect to my immediate environment.

While I do not have to plant seeds and grow crops and do farming in my created world so as to snatch some bytes from the void, create among those bytes a thousand mushrooms, and "place a thousand delicious mushrooms in my pocket from the void", while there is no "work of that world" being done, I still in my own context and reference frame have to do the work of filling those bytes.

I can do this on a whim, but every moment I spend doing that and working though the world that way is a moment the world itself spends doing nothing. Access of a system where I suddenly just have those resources "for no apparent reason" doesn't even change the mathematical extension of the system wherein I didn't do those things and instead watch my avatar starve to death.

From my perspective, even though it requires "work" within the created universe according to its function, it still requires less work in MY environment to just toss some coins at a guy and buy some delicious mushrooms like a mortal.
Lessee...if I ere a god...
First, Trump would find himself dressed in a girl's plaid jumper with a white cotton blouse and polished black patent leather shoes, and with a giant polka-dot bow in his forelocks. Every time he tried to dress in a business suit, it would transform into the jumper outfit again, but with a time delay, so he wouldn't know when it would happen, except that it would always happen when he was speaking to the press or to his admirers.
Second, all automatic and semi-automatic weapons would turn into mini-pumpkins, and any newly manufactured weapons would also turn into mini-pumpkins. The psychotic, basement-dwelling misfits who plan on mass mayhem would have their brains implanted with a message to throw mini-pumpkins into crowds.
Nuclear weapons would transform into giant lumps of banana taffy.
The word 'lamb' in all Bibles would be transformed into 'bat', just for kicks. Blood of the bat, sacrificial bat, bat of God, you get the idea. Bat would be taken off the list of forbidden foods in Deuteronomy.
Marjorie Taylor Greene would hear a mysterious voice, audible only to her, which would whisper in her ear every time she finished a sentence, "You are batshit crazy and an evil media troll." She would only be able to still the voice if she left public life.
Janis, Jimi, and Otis would return from the dead and resume making music.
Cheap cold-fusion tech for all cars would be gifted to mankind.
Fox News anchors and personalities would be inflicted with a mysterious outbreak of Tourettes, with the most common expletives being 'Fuck', 'Fuck Trump', and 'Cocksucker', which would recur every ten or fifteen words or so.
Hannity, Tucker, Laura I., Jim Jordan, the My Pillow guy, Mrs. Clarence Thomas, Cruz, Gaetz, and DeSantis would all be outed as transgendered.
I have more, but even a god has to take a nap once in a while.
But yeah, being a parent is fun and rewarding. So creating a universe or a couple of billion of them full of beings would be fun. But I’d definitely arrange it so that bad behavior was stopped. Like if you have disorder that makes you harmful to others, you’d…. Be cured.
So, if I were THE God of THIS world, though, I would do...


I would leave this world exactly, inexplicably, like it is. I would modify no brains, I would give myself now particular powers when "slumming about as a mortal", and I sure as shit wouldn't go around claiming I was THE God.

First of all, doing stuff like acting side channel to the simulation's physics engine would almost certainly be a nightmare and I already explained why this is an unavoidable issue in doing side channel modifications.

Second off, it would ruin exactly the reason I would create the universe in the first place. I would sooner cease accessing the mathematical space of the simulation (see also "eternal separation from God").

I need people in my simulations capable of coping with the realities of child rape and horrific diseases, of factoring exactly the situations I encounter in my world, into their ethics. If the laws of the universe I created allowed for such events to happen, and they didn't happen for purely inexplicable reasons, the denizens of my world might (problematically, but) correctly surmise I exist from that... And worse, they would never grow to understand interpersonal ethics and conflict resolution.

I don't treat my simulations like doll houses, and you lot might have problems but it's up to the denizens of my worlds to fix the problems they themselves wandered into.
So, if you are God, do you banish Satan, and devils, and demons from Earth? Or do you change their essential natures from evil to good, and helpful? If God is good, perfectly good, and all powerful, why is there a Satan, devils, and demons?
So, if you are God, do you banish Satan, and devils, and demons from Earth? Or do you change their essential natures from evil to good, and helpful? If God is good, perfectly good, and all powerful, why is there a Satan, devils, and demons?
If I were god, there would be no need for Satan, I would cause more than enough trouble on my own. But if some of my crew did want to break away, I wouldn't be offended. Just give'm a little daedric realm and see what happens. Maybe they have some good ideas.
So let me get this straight. The ID idiots tell me their Intelligent Designer God designs biological systems that cannot possible evolve on their own, and designs horrible parasites, bacteria, brain eating amoebas and guinea worms. And creates demons and devils. But this God is good, perfectly good, just, merciful and compassionate. Since Satan, demons, and devils cannot evolve, God must have purposefully created them. None of this makes sense.
So, if you are God, do you banish Satan, and devils, and demons from Earth? Or do you change their essential natures from evil to good, and helpful? If God is good, perfectly good, and all powerful, why is there a Satan, devils, and demons?
If I were god, there would be no need for Satan, I would cause more than enough trouble on my own. But if some of my crew did want to break away, I wouldn't be offended. Just give'm a little daedric realm and see what happens. Maybe they have some good ideas.
Interestingly Poli, the bible mentions this world being Satan's.

John 14:30
I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.

2 Corinthians 4:4
In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

I think there are some good ideas (although not all in the world are fortunate to benefit from good ideas).
2 Corinthians 4:4

And God just sits and doesn't do anything about this Satan critter? Why not? Checkmate, Christians!
So, if you are God, do you banish Satan, and devils, and demons from Earth? Or do you change their essential natures from evil to good, and helpful? If God is good, perfectly good, and all powerful, why is there a Satan, devils, and demons?
If I were god, there would be no need for Satan, I would cause more than enough trouble on my own. But if some of my crew did want to break away, I wouldn't be offended. Just give'm a little daedric realm and see what happens. Maybe they have some good ideas.
Interestingly Poli, the bible mentions this world being Satan's.

John 14:30
I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.

2 Corinthians 4:4
In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

I think there are some good ideas (although not all in the world are fortunate to benefit from good ideas).
Yep. A Gnostic reading of the canonical Gospels is not common these days, but it is very possible.
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