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Rudy Loses In Court Case

He can always move in with son Andrew, who in some ways even puts the Trump boys in the shade. Just as big a nutcase as dad, insists that Trump won last time and that someday the proof will be overwhelming. But then, the road apple never falls far from the horse's sphincter, right? If you google Andrew, he comes up as "American commentator and golfer". I mean, who wouldn't listen respectfully? Andrew was a big enough goofus as a kid that, at age 7, he was the subject of a Chris Farley portrayal (and a classic Farley sketch, one of the best.) So, Rudy: just tell the kid not to mouth off about Ruby & Shaye, because they mean business, and you'd end up without a room of your own and a place to stash your hair dye.
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Rudy hawking vitamin supplements. The pillow guy effect has taken hold.

I love when the guy calls him "Lear on the heath." (MAGA people: that refers Act IV of King Lear. IV means "four". King Lear is by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare was an English playwright who lived from 1564 to 1616. You can google him.)
"In a filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York, Giuliani said he had between $100 million and $500 million in liabilities and $1 million to $10 million in assets."
Poor thing.
How soon do you think he'll be joining the rest the folks living in packing crates underneath an overpass?
If those numbers aren't 100% accurate, Rudy is going to be very intimately introduced to the meaning of the word "consequences". Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
I love when the guy calls him "Lear on the heath." (MAGA people: that refers Act IV of King Lear. IV means "four". King Lear is by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare was an English playwright who lived from 1564 to 1616. You can google him.)
Also, heath is a shrubby plant, and "the heath" means the undeveloped land where it grows, not Heath Ledger or the guy Lee Majors played in The Big Valley.

No gay stuff.
Meanwhile, evidence is being gathered showing Trump has been sliming Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. Smells like a coming defamation suit to me. Hoist the jolly roger, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
Meanwhile, the Gateway Pundit defamation lawsuit starts January 2024. Their moron lawyers are filing flurries of frivolous motions. Utterly refusing to honor court mandated discovery. Refusing to obey court rules. I suspect when the trial starts, an angry judge is going to reach down and shake them all like a terrier the size of a tryannosaurues rex. In the end, GP will lose big. Lawyers will be sanctioned.
I had to look this up, as I am not up to speed with the right wing fantasy world. Gateway is a Q-style website known for outright lies and nutjob conspiracy theories. They are being sued both by Dominion Voting Systems and Ruby Freeman/Shaye Moss. Go get 'em, girls!!
I had to look this up, as I am not up to speed with the right wing fantasy world. Gateway is a Q-style website known for outright lies and nutjob conspiracy theories. They are being sued both by Dominion Voting Systems and Ruby Freeman/Shaye Moss. Go get 'em, girls!!
Supply and demand. Stupid people love and demand more and more stupid. It's like woo. People love their woo and are willing to have their appetites slaked.
Shut up, Rudy! Shut up!

"And when I was asked when I walked out of that verdict of $145 million, which I must say you know there's $145 million, they said, do you regret anything?" he said. "And I thought about it, and I said no because I did it for my country."

"Now you may elect to believe that or not," Giuliani added. "You may think I'm self-aggrandizing."

"I did it all for my country because I knew something my fellow countrymen didn't know, and that is that we were on the verge of electing a 30-year career criminal as the President of the United States, and if you do that, you're going to rot from the head down."

"And with tears streaming down their lousy fink faces, the Do-Rights rise as one man and bellow out the Star Spangled Banner".
- William S. Burrough. - Lexington Narcotics Hospital

Shut up, Rudy! Shut up!

"And when I was asked when I walked out of that verdict of $145 million, which I must say you know there's $145 million, they said, do you regret anything?" he said. "And I thought about it, and I said no because I did it for my country."

"Now you may elect to believe that or not," Giuliani added. "You may think I'm self-aggrandizing."

"I did it all for my country because I knew something my fellow countrymen didn't know, and that is that we were on the verge of electing a 30-year career criminal as the President of the United States, and if you do that, you're going to rot from the head down."

"And with tears streaming down their lousy fink faces, the Do-Rights rise as one man and bellow out the Star Spangled Banner".
- William S. Burrough. - Lexington Narcotics Hospital

Wow. What a fucking dork-brain. The asshole wants people to think he did it for country, like civil disobedience. Maybe all that hair dye wasn't so good and it soaked into his few braincells. In any case I hope to see him inhabiting an underpass. I'll even give him a twenty.
Like that would make it okay!
Meanwhile, Rudy has many other lawsuits comining up. Dominion, Smartmatic, unpaid lawyer bills, a nasty sexual harassment suit and more.

Looks like Rudy is down to his last refuge.
Right. He's climbing right up there on the cross with Jesus and his Orange savior. If that's the best he can conjure we shouldn't be surprised. What a wasted blowhole.
Most GOP voters believe that Biden, Hillary, Obama orchestrated a coup and stole the Whitehouse. Those that know better are going to go along with the ruse because they are sycophant shitbags. Every ruling against Rudy is more proof that the "deep state" is burying the twoof.
Recent polling of Republicans:
29% believe the claims of QAnon. That number has been higher in past years, and seems to be slowly subsiding. Maybe because no bottles of babies' blood have been found and no baby sacrifice videos are out there. That's still an outrageous number, IMO.
33% agreed that "American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save the country." Of course, the Orangeman showed us this was true on 1/6/21. He knows he can unleash this power at any time. He was willing to have the crazies lynch his veep. He had an exciting three hours watching it on his TV.
69% believe Trump won the 2020 election. This is either delusional or ignorant, depending on the believer. To believe this is essentially to believe that a massive conspiracy runs the country, and that even the Trump-appointed judges are part of it. Madness.

This is a deeply sick party. When I read hand-wringing editorials that insist that all of us, left and right, must make concessions and see the other side's positions, I sense the power in finding common ground, but there is simply too much going on with the right that is non-reality based. They have created one stinking mess, and we'll be paying the consequences for a long time. The reason there's no LAnon for the Democrats is that you could hardly make up a conspiracy that is worse than the one Giuliani, Trump, and their henchmen have going right now.
Rudy Screws up. Again.

NEW YORK (AP) — Rudy Giuliani was suspended Friday from WABC Radio and his daily show canceled over what the station called his repeated violation of a ban on discussing discredited 2020 election claims. Giuliani said the station’s ban is overly broad and “a clear violation of free speech.”

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