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Dan Bongino: Trumpists Need to Move Out of Liberal States


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
Dan Bongino is a hard right conspiracy peddler and Fox News host. Yesterday he told his audience that they need to get away from liberals and create their own 'safe spaces' (a concept I believe he has mocked in the context of students at university.) "We have to get away from these people...We have to evacuate these liberal states and shrink the federal government to the point where we can live in our own freedom and liberty-loving enclaves."
I would like to encourage this suggestion and make it a crusade. Take it far enough and you could see the end of gerrymandering and perhaps the end of the dominance of the electoral college.
Anyone know of suitable spots for these enclaves? Mar-a-Lago is probably too crowded as it is. What's going on at Love Canal? (Rats, it's in a liberal state.)
I remember a very discreet few of Americans claiming they'd emigrate to Canada if Bush won a second term and being rightly ridiculed for it.

So I guess it's progress that Trumptards are now only 15 years behind the times.
"Shrink government"

Code word for eliminate social programs and make people more desperate and make little tyrannies called corporations more powerful.
Didn't libertarians propose all of them moving to Vermont so that they could tilt the political needle there? The theory was that if they could consolidate, they could dominate local elections and turn Vermont into a libertarian paradise as a proof-of-concept.
Didn't libertarians propose all of them moving to Vermont so that they could tilt the political needle there? The theory was that if they could consolidate, they could dominate local elections and turn Vermont into a libertarian paradise as a proof-of-concept.

I think that it is New Hampshire, not Vermont. Google "Free State Project." It didn't turn out well.
Moving out of liberal states is too drastic. They need to start small - inject themselves with a bleach.
I think NYTimes contributor Charles Blow had a better idea. He left New York City for Atlanta and is encouraging all Black folks to move back to the South. That would help make most of the country Blue and then the hard core Trumpers could either change or move to South Dakota.
We have plenty of room up here in Alaska.

Even better, it's already a Red state.

Best of all, most of the state has no infrastructure so you can avoid property taxes and sales taxes, and there's no State income tax, either. It's a Libertopia just waiting for the freedom loving Sovereign Citizens to build their own cabins and found their own industrial empires.
Didn't libertarians propose all of them moving to Vermont so that they could tilt the political needle there? The theory was that if they could consolidate, they could dominate local elections and turn Vermont into a libertarian paradise as a proof-of-concept.

There was an idea some years ago to have right winged Christians move to South Carolina to take over that state for Jebus.
Not a good idea at all. The last time the US was split one side complained about the taxes from the other side and a big fight broke out over my beloved indigo, rice, and tobacco cultivating niggas.

Edit: Hmm on second thought maybe it is a good idea. If they start shit this time we should totally stomp them out once and for all.
Edit: Hmm on second thought maybe it is a good idea. If they start shit this time we should totally stomp them out once and for all.

Seriously. If the assault on the Capitol is any indication, their side has no sense of strategy or tactics whatsoever.
Edit: Hmm on second thought maybe it is a good idea. If they start shit this time we should totally stomp them out once and for all.

Seriously. If the assault on the Capitol is any indication, their side has no sense of strategy or tactics whatsoever.

The way I have been seeing it, it is my estimation that this is true, but only up to a point. Because the administration was inept, all these folks have just kind of thrashed around in their violent idiocy. The issue is that he hitched his wagon to the dumbest oxen, and these oxen have no sense to move together, nor the training.

Their ex-soldiers/marines are the ones who washed out, and their training methods were passed along to them via Facebook. Reliable mechanisms these are not.

The problem comes when someone figures out a way to produce a chain of command.

In many ways, the internet is our friend here. There is no way for these chucklefucks to parse the difference between a 16 year old liability, an FBI informant, and anyone who actually knows what they are talking about.

The problem is that, as we have seen a century more or less prior, this is not a permanently limiting factor, and mental rejects can still in the proper setting be hammered into effective foot soldiers.

All that is necessary for this to turn as ugly as it ever has been is an organized command and control structure that isn't tripping over itself. The system is primed.
Dan Bongino is a hard right conspiracy peddler and Fox News host. Yesterday he told his audience that they need to get away from liberals and create their own 'safe spaces' (a concept I believe he has mocked in the context of students at university.) "We have to get away from these people...We have to evacuate these liberal states and shrink the federal government to the point where we can live in our own freedom and liberty-loving enclaves."
I would like to encourage this suggestion and make it a crusade. Take it far enough and you could see the end of gerrymandering and perhaps the end of the dominance of the electoral college.
Anyone know of suitable spots for these enclaves? Mar-a-Lago is probably too crowded as it is. What's going on at Love Canal? (Rats, it's in a liberal state.)

I'd love to shrink government by stopping the massive subsidies to the red states.
Dan Bongino is a hard right conspiracy peddler and Fox News host. Yesterday he told his audience that they need to get away from liberals and create their own 'safe spaces' (a concept I believe he has mocked in the context of students at university.) "We have to get away from these people...We have to evacuate these liberal states and shrink the federal government to the point where we can live in our own freedom and liberty-loving enclaves."
I would like to encourage this suggestion and make it a crusade. Take it far enough and you could see the end of gerrymandering and perhaps the end of the dominance of the electoral college.
Anyone know of suitable spots for these enclaves? Mar-a-Lago is probably too crowded as it is. What's going on at Love Canal? (Rats, it's in a liberal state.)

I'd love to shrink government by stopping the massive subsidies to the red states.

You and me both.

Imagine how big Biden's win would have been had Trump not been able to fork billions of taxpayer dollars to the soy bean farmers who got screwed by his foreign policy.
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