• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Democrats trying to unseat each other III

How in heaven's name did you derive that conclusion from what I wrote?
Because you were just comparing casualty numbers without any context.

Nobody here is defending Hamas. Write that on the blackboard 100 times. Grow up!
Plenty of people do.

Scenario: Billy punches Bobby and gives him a black eye. Bobby retaliates by gouging both of Billy's eyes out, blinding him for life.
Question: Was Billy "in the right" to give Bobby a black eye?
Scenario: Billy intends to blind Bobby for life, but only manages to give him a black eye.
Mind you, there is no kindergarten lady to keep order either in this scenario - it's a "Lord of the Flies" situation.
Derec, since you seem to believe that there is no such thing as disproportionate response,
Of course there is such a thing as disproportionate response.
I must ask if you are willing to accept that for yourself. Let's say you make a pass at a woman and she responds by Tasering you then raping you in your rear end with a broom handle and then neutering you with garden shears.
What a ridiculous scenario. Making a pass is not in any way an attack. Hamas murdered over a 1000 Israelis and kidnapped 100s of others. You compare that with hitting on a woman? Only rabid feminazis like Andrea Dworkin would think that comparison appropriate.

So we have a murderous assault on Israel. We have Hamas saying they intend to repeat this attack over and over again until Israel is destroyed. I do not think a military operation to destroy Hamas is in any way "disproportionate" here.

Let's look at another scenario. Somebody vows to murder you. They pull out their gun. Is it "disproportionate" to shoot that person dead?

No they aren't. In my scenario, your position implies that woman is totally blameless and you raped yourself and neutered yourself.
Your scenario is idiotic. You compare "making a pass at a woman" with starting a genocidal war, like both the Nazis and Hamas did.

What Israel has now done is far beyond lex talionis.
Again, if somebody tries to kill me, I am allowed to use deadly force to defend myself, even if the assailant did not kill me yet.
How does he envision destroying Hamas without military force?
And since Hamas hides behind civilians, there will be a lot of civilian casualties. That is on Hamas though.

Just like with Delilah Ramirez, what does Pocan think a "ceasefire" would accomplish?
This will never happen and I admit the costs—monetary and human—could well be prohibitive but: What if Israel ( with as much support as needed) did the very radical thing and rendered Hamas ( and similar) unnecessary because everyone in Gaza and the West Bank had equal opportunity for education, jobs training, jobs, health care, housing, political engagement, religious freedom, etc.?

I know I know I know: why isn’t the US doing this for our people. In theory we do. In reality? Not so much. But it’s an ideal we are supposedly working towards.
Rep. Mark Pocan is awfully brave.
Don't know about being "brave" (what danger is he putting himself in?) but he sure seems to be suffering from Twitter diarrhea.
He's risking his political career by taking on AIPAC. He's white and male, and I'm surprised that AIPAC isn't trying to make a lesson out of him by trying to show that even being white and male won't make him invulnerable. They might say something like "Eric Cantor fell. Joe Crowley fell. Michael Capuano fell. Eliot Engel fell. Dan Lipinski fell. Lacy Clay fell. Liz Cheney fell. He too can fall. Israel from the river to the sea!!!"
He's risking his political career by taking on AIPAC.
Is he really? He is in a D+19 district.
He's white and male, and I'm surprised that AIPAC isn't trying to make a lesson out of him by trying to show that even being white and male won't make him invulnerable.
Why do leftists always obsess over race and gender? It is their views that make Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib et al deplorable, not their race or gender. And the same is the case with Pocan.

Israel from the river to the sea!!!"
Would probably have been a far better partition in 1948. Arabs already have got all of the much bigger trans-Jordan portion of mandatory Palestine.

By the way, many of the Israel haters don't even know which river and which sea they are chanting about when they chant that slogan about "Palestine".
This will never happen and I admit the costs—monetary and human—could well be prohibitive but: What if Israel ( with as much support as needed) did the very radical thing and rendered Hamas ( and similar) unnecessary because everyone in Gaza and the West Bank had equal opportunity for education, jobs training, jobs, health care, housing, political engagement, religious freedom, etc.?
Shouldn't their government be responsible for that? Unfortunately, the de-facto government of Gaza spends all their resources on digging reinforced tunnels and acquiring rockets to attack Israel with. Nothing will change for the better until Hamas is destroyed.
This will never happen and I admit the costs—monetary and human—could well be prohibitive but: What if Israel ( with as much support as needed) did the very radical thing and rendered Hamas ( and similar) unnecessary because everyone in Gaza and the West Bank had equal opportunity for education, jobs training, jobs, health care, housing, political engagement, religious freedom, etc.?
Shouldn't their government be responsible for that? Unfortunately, the de-facto government of Gaza spends all their resources on digging reinforced tunnels and acquiring rockets to attack Israel with. Nothing will change for the better until Hamas is destroyed.
I don’t disagree but the best way to eliminate Hamas is to remove the need for Hamas. And the way to do that would be to e sure that the people of Gaza had a decent shot at decent lives and were not treated as third class citizens

I realize the situation is much, much more complicated than that. But the solution may just be that simple. Not to confuse simple with easy. It would not be easy or inexpensive. But I think it’s not only the best and possibly the only way to resolve the situation: I think it’s the right thing to do.

Eliminate Hamas by making them obsolete and irrelevant.
He's risking his political career by taking on AIPAC.
Is he really? He is in a D+19 district.
He is risking getting primaried by AIPAC. That org could try to recruit challengers to him, as it did for Rashida Tlaib, offering $20 million to each of two possible challengers.
He's white and male, and I'm surprised that AIPAC isn't trying to make a lesson out of him by trying to show that even being white and male won't make him invulnerable.
Why do leftists always obsess over race and gender? It is their views that make Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib et al deplorable, not their race or gender. And the same is the case with Pocan.
You may think so, but AIPAC doesn't seem to.
Israel from the river to the sea!!!"
Would probably have been a far better partition in 1948. Arabs already have got all of the much bigger trans-Jordan portion of mandatory Palestine.
That would have been a disaster - a lot more Arabs in the borders of Eretz Yisrael. Also, Jordan has much more desert in it than Israel/Palestine.
Facing AIPAC Millions, Summer Lee Gets Record Fundraising Haul - January 25 2024, 6:00 a.m. - "AIPAC, which tried to recruit challengers to the Squad member, dropped $5 million on her last race."
Expecting an onslaught of spending from pro-Israel groups, Democratic Pennsylvania Rep. Summer Lee’s campaign announced Thursday it had raised over $1 million, dwarfing typical fundraising numbers in Democratic primaries.

Lee, a member of the progressive Squad in Congress, does not take money from corporate PACs, and more than 90 percent of the contributions were made in increments of less than $250, according to her campaign.

“A Republican-funded Super PAC threatened to spend $100 million against us — and our grassroots people-powered movement has responded loud and clear,” Lee said in a statement Thursday. “I am so proud of the multigenerational, mulitracial movement we have built in Western Pennsylvania to protect and expand our democracy — it is our greatest defense against the dark money Super PACs and corporate lobbies who seek to undermine it.”

Lee’s top challenger, Bhavini Patel, a borough council member in Edgewood, Pennsylvania, announcedOpens in a new tab earlier this month that her campaign had raised more than $310,000 in the final quarter of last year.
2024 Election United States House - Pennsylvania - District 12 | FEC - SL has $1.4 M, BP $0.3 M, Laurie MacDonald $0
Summer Lee & Bhavini Patel clash over Middle East in 12th District forum | 90.5 WESA
Lee, the first Black woman to represent Pennsylvania in Congress, spoke repeatedly about her efforts to empower groups that had long been unrepresented. Patel told the story of how her mother immigrated to Pittsburgh from India, opened a food truck business, and helped Patel to get an education. Patel has since been an aide to former County Executive Rich Fitzgerald.

MacDonald highlighted her leadership at The Center for Victims, a nonprofit with a multimillion dollar budget that she said serves crime victims and their families. She repeatedly touted her own roots in the Monongahela Valley as well as her work on behalf of victims, but touched off yet another outburst from the audience when she said that residents in Lee’s district “have no families. They live in squalor.”

When some audience members challenged that description, MacDonald grew flustered and stopped responding to the question.

“You think you know, right? Well guess what? I work there. I help those families,’ she said. “I don't need to take that. I'm done. My record speaks for itself. I'm done. I help families. I help everyone. I don’t have a prejudice. I love everybody even if we disagree.”
I was baffled by LMD's statement, because the people she described are the people whose votes she wants.

"Patel criticized Lee more than once for being insufficiently supportive of President Joe Biden, the Democratic standard bearer."
Summer Lee, opponents spar over Israel in political forum | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The three candidates were asked which bill they would introduce if they knew that it was going to pass.
Ms. Lee said she would reverse the Citizens United ruling, which removed limits on corporate spending in elections and led to an increase in spending by outside groups that do not disclose their donors..

“The insane amounts of money that will pour into our election keeps us from having a reflective democracy,” Ms. Lee said.

When asked the same question, Ms. Patel chose instead to respond to Ms. Lee’s insinuation that the super PAC was helping to fund her candidacy. The forum, held at Carnegie Mellon University, did not provide time for rebuttals.

“My campaign finance reports are going to be public just as everybody else here on this stage,” she said. “We’ve been running an honest campaign.”

Ms. Patel went on to say that “roughly 70%” of her funds came from donations from people in Pennsylvania.
SL seems to have hit a raw nerve.

"Ms. MacDonald did not address campaign financing, but said that she would use her one law to give free electric cars to everyone."
Bhavini Patel courts out-of-state donors with Hindu nationalist ties and pro-Israel agendas | Pittsburgh City Paper - January 30, 2024
Meghani is a co-founder and board member of the Hindu American Foundation, a 501(c)3 advocacy organization. He's a prolific political donor who has contributed thousands of dollars to pro-Israel lobbying groups including To Protect Our Heritage PAC and gave the maximum allowable $3,300 to failed Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who has since endorsed former president Donald Trump in his bid for a second non-consecutive term. Meghani also has ties to Indian nationalist groups including supporters of controversial Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and has actively promoted pro-Israel and Hindu nationalist causes on his personal Twitter profile.

Meghani is notable for his bipartisan support of candidates of Indian heritage including U.S. Rep. Shri Thanedar, with whom Meghani appears to share a love of Detroit and Michigan sports. Meghani also made multiple donations to controversial former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard. One major factor connecting Thanedar, Gabbard, Patel, and others to whom Meghani has donated is their support for Israel and opposition to "Squad" candidates. (Meghani notably donated $2,800 to former Democratic Rep. Brenda Jones, who twice lost to current U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib.)

Hakeem Jeffries Bucks AIPAC, Endorses Squad Member Summer Lee - January 17 2024, 6:00 a.m. - "The House Democratic leadership, normally staunch allies of AIPAC, bucked the Israel lobby in favor of incumbent progressive Summer Lee."

Summer Lee’s Opponent Urges Republicans to Vote in Democratic Primary - February 1 2024, 11:27 a.m. - "At a closed-door fundraiser, Bhavini Patel told donors she was strategizing to get Republicans to vote against Lee in the Democratic primary. "
Nobody's challenging Ayanna Pressley.

AIPAC Donor to Jewish Republicans: Switch Party to Beat Bowman - December 8 2023, 1:40 p.m. - "Bowman’s opponent, George Latimer, was recruited by AIPAC as part of the group’s $100 million campaign against progressive Israel critics."
To Bowman’s north, Mondaire Jones is running to unseat Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y. Jones and Bowman used to do campaign events together, but since announcing his latest bid, Jones — who has saidOpens in a new tab he has a “great relationship with AIPAC” — has declined to endorse Bowman when asked.

Latimer, for his part, just returned from a three-day trip to Israel sponsoredOpens in a new tab by the UJA-Federation of New York, a local Jewish group, where he met with leaders including Herzog, the Israeli president. Herzog has said that it is the “entire nationOpens in a new tab” of Palestine that bears responsibility for the October 7 attacks.
George Latimer Rakes in AIPAC Cash to Primary Jamaal Bowman - February 1 2024, 3:21 p.m. - "George Latimer was recruited by AIPAC to challenge Bowman, a member of the Squad who has called for a Gaza ceasefire."
AIPAC has given more than $600,000 in total to Latimer’s campaign — 42 percent of his total $1.4 million in contributions so far — according to filings with the Federal Election Commission submitted Wednesday night.

Latimer’s race against Bowman has attracted Republican support. The county executive held a fundraiser hosted by a donor to Republicans including former President Donald TrumpOpens in a new tab last month. AIPAC officially endorsed Latimer’s campaign days later. The Intercept reported in December that one AIPAC donor encouraged Jewish Republicans to switch parties to vote in the primary to oust Bowman.
2024 Election United States House - New York - District 16 | FEC
GL, JB $1.4 M - neck and neck

2024 Election United States House - Missouri - District 01 | FEC
Cori Bush at $0.9 M is also neck and neck with her challenger: Wesley Bell at $0.8 M

Democrat Cori Bush under DOJ investigation : NPR
Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., confirmed Tuesday that the Department of Justice is investigating her campaign's spending on security services.

"Since before I was sworn into office, I have endured relentless threats to my physical safety and life," Bush said in remarks on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. "As a rank-and-file member of Congress, I am not entitled to personal protection by the House and instead have used campaign funds as permissible to retain security services."

Bush says she is fully cooperating. The Justice Department declined to comment.
If Henry Cuellar was able to survive investigation into his Azerbaijan connections, Cori Bush may be able to survive this. I think that it's a good sign that she is cooperating.
2024 Election United States House - Minnesota - District 05 | FEC
Ilhan Omar at $3.2 M is well ahead of Don Samuels at $0.4 M. DS had run against IO previously, in 2022.

Republicans smeared Ilhan Omar over a faulty translation. Here’s what she really said. - Minnesota Reformer
Traduttore - traditore -- Italian: "translator - traitor"
Republican lawmakers and commentators questioned U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s allegiance to the United States — even calling for her to be deported — over a video clip with an inaccurate translation of her remarks from Somali to English.

Omar was speaking at the Minneapolis Hyatt Hotel Saturday at a celebration of the recent election in Puntland, a region of Somalia. She spoke about the dispute between Somalia and the breakaway republic Somaliland, which is not recognized by the international community but recently made a sea access deal with landlocked Ethiopia.

Omar told the audience that Somalia would remain united, and that she would use her influence to keep it that way.

Social media posts have asserted Omar said they are “people who know they are Somalians first, Muslims second.”
She got responses like from House Majority Whip Tom Emmer on X: "Ilhan Omar’s appalling, Somalia-first comments are a slap in the face to the Minnesotans she was elected to serve and a direct violation of her oath of office. She should resign in disgrace. (pic link)" / X

She said
We Somalis are people who love each other. It’s possible that we might sometimes have disagreements but we are also people who can rely on each other. We are people who are siblings. We are people with courage. We are people who know that they are Somali and Muslim. We are people who support each other.

AOC has no Democratic challengers again.
2024 Election United States House - New York - District 14 | FEC
AOC $4.9 M, Tina Forte (R) $0.3 M - TF is a MTG-like candidate
Yes, AIPAC is against the squad, but not for the reasons you think! AIPAC is very much in favor of the two party solution. They are the more moderate part of Israeli politics. The squad is much more aligned with the Jewish far right wing group in that both are against the two state solution. What's the phrase, strange bedfellows make ......?
Evidence: {}
This took me about 3 seconds!

Evidence for AOC and the squad being against it?
New congressional maps approved in New York - POLITICO
Gov. Kathy Hochul is expected to sign the bill. And if the lines avoid any new legal hiccups, that could bring a conclusion to a drawn-out redistricting process in the House battleground state that started over four years ago.

The plan, which passed with some bipartisan support, fell far short of the all-out Democratic gerrymander that many partisans had hoped for. But New York lawmakers touted it as a victory with six key House races viewed as among the nation’s most competitive this November.

“We reasserted the right of the Legislature to be responsible for this important task and gave the people of the state a better map,” Senate Deputy Leader Mike Gianaris, a Queens Democrat, said after the vote.
It will be a little bit better for Democrats but not much better.

NY Democrats pass modestly altered congressional maps - City & State New York
Democratic leaders were pleased with the outcome. In particular, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries thought the Legislature’s map improved on the commission’s proposal.

“The Independent Redistricting Commission took a modest step toward addressing many of the inequitable flaws of the special master’s map that were clearly inconsistent with the New York state constitution. However, the IRC’s work was incomplete,” Jeffries said in a statement. “Today, the state legislature has adopted a bipartisan congressional map that more meaningfully delivers the type of fair representation that the people of New York state deserve.”
The Legislature also decided to limit “judge shopping” passing a bill that says that redistricting lawsuits would be limited courts in only four counties.

Democratic state legislators move to limit ‘judge shopping’ in redistricting challenges | WXXI News
The bill — approved in both houses and signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul on Wednesday evening — limits any future legal challenges to district lines drawn by the legislature in the future to just four counties. They are Albany, Erie, Westchester and New York County, which encompasses Manhattan.

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie said the counties are all seats of the state’s judicial departments and may have more expertise to draw on to hear the cases.

“We just feel that those are the four jurisdictions that are best equipped to handle these types of cases,” Heastie said.

All those counties are dominated by Democrats, including the Supreme Court judges who preside over the courts.
Republicans objected that Democrats were being sore losers because they lost a major court battle over redistricting back in 2022.
“So, this bill says, if you want to stand up for the constitution of the state of New York, you can only do it in four counties. How is that consistent with our oath of office?” Goodell asked. “Are we afraid of allowing the courts to easily consider a constitutional challenge? Are we afraid because the last time they looked at it, they ruled it was unconstitutional?”
New York Legislature passes new congressional maps
Lawmakers’ speed on the effort was made possible by Hochul’s passage of a message of necessity Wednesday morning, which allows legislators to circumvent the three-day waiting period required before acting on bills.

Hochul signed the maps into law hours after they passed the Legislature, her office said Wednesday evening, meaning they have now taken effect.

Earlier Wednesday, she stressed the urgency of the situation.

“The petitioning process has already been delayed, we have to get this going otherwise we’re going to end up delaying primaries and elections and we don’t want that to happen,” she said.
Then describing the reshuffling of district areas.

New York lawmakers approve a new congressional map giving Democrats a slight boost
The map, which now goes to Gov. Kathy Hochul for her signature, shores up a handful of Democratic seats and aids several incumbents, but does not attempt to drive up the party’s seat count the way Democrats tried to do in 2022 before the courts stepped in.

While Democrats currently hold 16 of New York’s 26 districts, they’re likely to see 17 safe Democratic seats and three competitive districts under the new map, according to prominent redistricting expert Dave Wasserman, a senior editor and analyst at the Cook Political Report.

“I call this a mild gerrymander. Any map that makes deliberate choices to benefit a party is a gerrymander on some level, but this is not an aggressive or maximal gerrymander by any means,” Wasserman said.
Democrats Pass a N.Y. House Map That Modestly Benefits Them - The New York Times
NYS Redistricting 2021-2023-??

The URL should specify a map all set up for this: to compare the current and adopted maps, select "Congress (2022-2024)" in the top field in the left sidebar.

There are sizable changes in upstate New York, but not as much in NYC and its suburbs.

NY-03 get territory closer to NYC and loses some territory toward the east, likely making it more strongly Democratic.

In NYC itself, NY-11 is unchanged. It was earlier gerrymandered to make it D-learning rather than R-leaning. Most other NYC districts have only minor changes or no changes at all.

NY-14 (AOC) loses Co-op City to NY-16 (Jamaal Bowman) and gets the southern end of the Bronx from NY-15 (Ritchie Torres). In return, NY-15 gets a bit of territory from NY-16.

NY-17 (formerly Mondaire Jones) loses some northern territory and gets some northwestern territory, making it more compact.
The Texas counts are now essentially complete.

In TX-07, Pervez Agwan got 25.8% of the vote and incumbent Lizzie Fletcher got 74.2%. He lost, even if it wasn't quite being squashed like a bug.

In TX-15, Michelle Vallejo is in the running again against Monica de la Cruz. In TX-35, Greg Casar was not challenged by any Democrat, and in TX-37, Lloyd Doggett is in the running again. Donna Imam isn't running this time.

In California, the votes are only half-counted, but it's been enough to decide winners and losers. So unless there are big demographic differences between early-arriving and late-arriving votes, these results are likely to stick.

Nancy Pelosi ran again in CA-11, San Francisco, winning nearly 3/4 of the votes.

In CA-29 in Los Angeles County, Angelica Dueñas is currently placing 3rd, and she likely won't advance to the general election.

In CA-30, also in LA County, Maebe A. Girl is currently at 8%, in fifth place, and unlikely to advance to the general.
In CA-47 in Orange County, Katie Porter's current seat, R Scott Baugh and D Dave Min are likely to advance to the general, leaving behind D Joanna Weiss.

The race to succeed Katie Porter is getting nasty. Really nasty. - POLITICO - "The race for California’s 47th District is considered one of the most competitive in the country and could determine control of the House."
The latest salvo: an ad from state Sen. Dave Min accusing his rival, Joanna Weiss, of powering her campaign with money earned through the legal defense of sex offenders. The attack comes a week after Weiss released an ad slamming Min for his DUI arrest last year.
What Dave Min advertised:
“Why is Joanna Weiss attacking Dave Min?” asks the ad’s narrator. “To hide the fact that she and her husband made millions defending Catholic priests found guilty of molesting children in Orange County — money that Joanna is using to fund her campaign. Those aren’t the values we want in Congress.”

The ad cites a report from the Daily Beast that delved into work by Weiss’ husband, attorney Jason Weiss, to defend the Catholic Diocese of Orange County in multiple sex abuse cases.

Dan Driscoll, Min’s campaign manager, called the accounts in the story “as disgusting as they are disqualifying.”

“Joanna Weiss has run a 100% negative campaign to hide the fact that she is funding her campaign with money through truly despicable means,” Driscoll said in a statement. “State Senator Dave Min stands with survivors of sexual abuse and assault and is proud to have 8 bills signed into law providing them greater means of protection and justice.”

Weiss’ campaign pushed back against the allegations in the ad, noting that Jason Weiss primarily represented the diocese on employment matters and did not make millions of dollars through that legal work. Mike McLaughlin, a senior campaign adviser, said Weiss’ husband has never represented any priests in his career.
What Joanna Weiss advertised:
“Dave Min is resorting to lies to distract voters from his criminal history and that he would be serving his first term in Congress on probation,” said Emma Weinert, Weiss’ campaign manager. “Orange County deserves a leader who keeps their promises and will not turn to these defamatory, sexist attacks.”

Min was arrested last May in Sacramento for drunk driving after a night of receptions with lobbyists. He pleaded no contest and was sentenced to three years probation. He has spoken frankly about the incident as “the worst mistake of my life.”
Who supported who?
Weiss has a powerful ally on her side — EMILYs List, a group that supports pro-abortion rights women candidates. The organization has made Weiss a top priority for this election cycle and announced a $1 million television and digital ad buy to boost her.

While some national Democrats say Min’s arrest remains a concern, he has not seen a major exodus of supporters. He has touted his early endorsement from Porter, as well as the backing of the state Democratic Party and the endorsement by the Los Angeles Times editorial board, which both came after the arrest. Other allies have mounted a vigorous defense of the state lawmaker, including the board of Democrats of Greater Irvine, who wrote a letter to EMILYs List accusing them of backing a “flawed” candidate.
The likes of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee have stayed out of this squabble.
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