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Herschel Walker’s rabid right-winger kid mocked over gas rant video while wearing $1,295 shirt


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
Saturday, Walker shared his distorted and limited views on his gas bill., complaining incessantly about the cost and blaming the bill on Democrats who voted for President Joe Biden—all while wearing a $1,295 Givenchy sweatshirt and filling up his Range Rover.
“While Joe takes his afternoon naps and vacations at his beach house, GAS PRICES AND INFLATION ARE SOARING. I hope everyone who voted against 'mean tweets' and for cliches like 'unity' is taking 5 minutes to think about their actions. Do better next time. Americans shouldn’t have to spend a billion dollars to get to work in the morning,” Walker captioned his Instagram post.

Walker is a rabid pro-white—I mean, pro-right conservative internet personality who’s gained a massive social media following with controversial, unfounded, and wholly ignorant posts.
His latest on the price of his over $90 gas bill received thousands of comments, but many focused on his overpriced designer shirt.
“Does Herschel Walker’s son Christian Walker, realize that everyone is laughing at him, not with him?The spoiled child of a multi-millionaire, wearing a $1,300 hoodie, filling up his Range Rover, bitches abt the price of gas? He makes a complete fool of himself here.LMAO !!!,” one post reads.

So the kid, wearing a $1300 hoodie and complaining about spending his "hard earned money" even though he really doesn't have a job, complaining about the gas prices while gassing up his turbo Range Rover.

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He probably doesn't have to buy the clothes but does have to pay for the gas.
He probably doesn't have to buy the clothes but does have to pay for the gas.
He's a student. he doesn't have a job. He doesn't pay for shit.
But the gas comes out of whatever his parents give him. They probably buy his clothes directly so he doesn't notice the spending. Poor parenting.
Isn't it odd how right-wing conservative stuff just seems to be nothing but a cheap façade? It only becomes an immediate problem once something directly impacts them. In this case, Walker's statements on fatherhood and lying about paying for a woman's abortion.
Saturday, Walker shared his distorted and limited views on his gas bill., complaining incessantly about the cost and blaming the bill on Democrats who voted for President Joe Biden—all while wearing a $1,295 Givenchy sweatshirt and filling up his Range Rover.
“While Joe takes his afternoon naps and vacations at his beach house, GAS PRICES AND INFLATION ARE SOARING. I hope everyone who voted against 'mean tweets' and for cliches like 'unity' is taking 5 minutes to think about their actions. Do better next time. Americans shouldn’t have to spend a billion dollars to get to work in the morning,” Walker captioned his Instagram post.

Walker is a rabid pro-white—I mean, pro-right conservative internet personality who’s gained a massive social media following with controversial, unfounded, and wholly ignorant posts.
His latest on the price of his over $90 gas bill received thousands of comments, but many focused on his overpriced designer shirt.
“Does Herschel Walker’s son Christian Walker, realize that everyone is laughing at him, not with him?The spoiled child of a multi-millionaire, wearing a $1,300 hoodie, filling up his Range Rover, bitches abt the price of gas? He makes a complete fool of himself here.LMAO !!!,” one post reads.

So the kid, wearing a $1300 hoodie and complaining about spending his "hard earned money" even though he really doesn't have a job, complaining about the gas prices while gassing up his turbo Range Rover.


The mirror industry must be in shambles by the fact of how many people must not own them, or even understand what they are.
The mirror industry must be in shambles by the fact of how many people must not own them, or even understand what they are.
I'm just amazed there aren't as many car crashes as there should be with so many people lacking self awareness.
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