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Imagine the outrage if people were making fun of the appearance of a female Dem's vagina or vulva ... :rolleyesa:
Why? Your pointless "whataboutisms" save everyone the energy and time.

Please don't discourage Derec. His incessant "whataboutisms" may be pointless but they ARE amusing. Sure they're predictable, but like the best slapstick that just adds to the amusement!

I wonder if Derec remembers that it was Marco Rubio -- now a hard-core Trumplicker -- who started the meme by telling Donnie that his small hands implied another deficit, to which the Sociopath-in-Chief replied "I promise you there's no problem down there."

Can you imagine how Derec and his Ilk would react if two Democratic women had an exchange like that? :eek:
I'm confused how Derec can remember every "false accusation" of rape committed in the US, know a zillion marginalized Muslim politicians and controversial things they may have said, but forgot about the Rubio/Trump exchange regarding Trump's penis.... during a primary debate. And that being the point we were all certain that this Trump nonsense would go away.
I'm confused how Derec can remember every "false accusation" of rape committed in the US, know a zillion marginalized Muslim politicians and controversial things they may have said, but forgot about the Rubio/Trump exchange regarding Trump's penis.... during a primary debate.
Hey, we can’t all remember everything!
The marvel is how perfect Derec’s recall is on anything that helps him think he is gonna “pwn the libs”. I guess all that horror takes up the space in his brain that could have been allotted to noticing the scumbaggery of his Republican heroes.
So cute when Derec gets all butthurt about people making fun of his orange avatar …
Orange avatar? I don't even like the guy, nor have I voted for him.

But this line of attack is not a fair one, and exposes a double standard on the Left.
In general, I'd agree. The issue here is Trump is a special case. The guy's mouth is bigger than his combover. He lacks any sense of humility. Trump makes Don Rickles look like Jimmy Carter. Additionally, Trump is all about image, or at least the one he has tried to project since he was calling in to radio stations pretending to be someone else to talk up how awesome Donald Trump is.
To a narcissist like Orange other people don't even exist. We're just things to be used and controlled. There is only the I, the Orange.
I'm confused how Derec can remember every "false accusation" of rape committed in the US,
I do not. I see controversial cases in my news feed just like everybody else sees news stories.
know a zillion marginalized Muslim politicians
Marginalized? What exactly makes Ilhan Omar, Rashia Tlaib and their Ilk "marginalized"?
but forgot about the Rubio/Trump exchange regarding Trump's penis.... during a primary debate.
Maybe because I do not suffer from the Trump Derangement Syndrome like some on here.
And that being the point we were all certain that this Trump nonsense would go away.
So why remember it, other than due to obsession with all things Trump?
In general, I'd agree. The issue here is Trump is a special case. The guy's mouth is bigger than his combover. He lacks any sense of humility.
Trump is constitutionally incapable of shutting the fuck up. Even when it gets him in trouble, like with Judge Merchan.
I do not see why that makes "going low" by obsessing over the size and shape of the Trumpian member any more appropriate.
Trump makes Don Rickles look like Jimmy Carter.
Additionally, Trump is all about image, or at least the one he has tried to project since he was calling in to radio stations pretending to be someone else to talk up how awesome Donald Trump is.
Wait? When was that?
Please don't discourage Derec. His incessant "whataboutisms" may be pointless but they ARE amusing.
I do not engage in "whataboutisms". Pointing out hypocrisy is different than a "whataboutism".
I wonder if Derec remembers that it was Marco Rubio -- now a hard-core Trumplicker -- who started the meme by telling Donnie that his small hands implied another deficit, to which the Sociopath-in-Chief replied "I promise you there's no problem down there."
Seems pretty tame all things considered. It certainly is no excuse for your Ilk obsessing over his genitals.
Whatever happened to Michelle Obama's "when they go low, we go high"? These days, it's the left that goes below the belt first.
Can you imagine how Derec and his Ilk would react if two Democratic women had an exchange like that? :eek:
I would not have much of a reaction. What is almost certain is that you and your Ilk would defend them and insist how it's very different this time.
Whatever happened to Michelle Obama's "when they go low, we go high"? These days, it's the left that goes below the belt first.

Absolutely false.
And Proof that your news-feeds, if any, are severely tainted.

Among prominent Democrats who matter, e.g. Members of Congress, it is almost without exception the Democrats who are most civil and issue-oriented. Top Republicans are mostly committed to Trump's lies and spend their efforts propagandizing with lies and insults rather than trying to help govern.

Of course at a recreational message board like IIDB, we feel free to express our emotions. But even here, Infidels "go high" more than do GOP Members of Congress whose duty is to be civil! And YouTube will show you the diction of actual low-level Trumpists. Have you watched some of these? The diction of the GOP masses is vile and imbecilic beyond compare.

I have a question for @Derec . You live in Georgia, a key swing state. I'll guess that you -- being articulate and intelligent enough to post on a message-board -- are a leading intellectual among your friends and family. You tell us you will not vote for Trump and of course we accept that as true. You tell us you are neither racist nor misogynist; and again we accept that as true. But your foul and bitter speech and disgusting views pander to Trumpists, racists and misogynists. Georgians having doubts about Trump, and considering staying home on Election Day (or even voting for Biden) will listen to your nasty slurs against Democrats and decide to vote for Trump.

In other words, even if YOU really do vote for Biden you implicitly encourage your followers to vote for Trump. Thus you are a net asset for Trump's electoral hopes in Georgia. How do you feel about that?
Talk about missing the whole main point!
No, I am not. The point is the hypocrisy on the left. Your Ilk gets outraged over things "Heels Up Kamala" but rejoice at "haha he has a mushroom dick".

To make the, well, main point let's stipulate for now that the philandering sins of Bill C. and Donnie T. were equivalent. Bill was impeached for his sins, while Trump's crimes, sins and faults were so numerous that anyone focused on his sexual assaults would have been accused of ... missing the main point.
The treatment Clinton got was pretty bad too. You will never see me defending Republicans there.
Clinton's team lost the election of 2000 with many Blueshirts staying home or pulling the Bush lever out of disgust for Bill's philandering.
Clinton did not run in 2000 - he was term limited. It was his protégé Al Gore who lost, albeit very narrowly, in the electoral college.
I see no evidence that it was Clinton's BJ that caused him to lose. Clinton was still very popular in 2000.

Gore lost because a) he was not a very good candidate, b) the far left voted for Ralph Nader (because ) and c) some idiots down in Broward County could not figure out how to work the ballots.

Donnie's team idolizes their predator: His bragging about sexual assaults is just "locker talk."
It seems like locker room talk, yes. It was blown out of proportion.
There is plenty to criticize Trump for without hyperbole over that leaked tape.

Donnie brags about his lust for daughter Ivanka.
That is weird, yes.
Did Bill lust for Chelsea?
Of course not, but then again, she is no Ivanka.
The Ilk Derec supports treated Bill's philandering as the greatest crime since the St. Valentine's Day massacre, or since the time Abe Lincoln -- (did you know he was Republican? Not many do) -- freed the slaves.
No, contrary to your repeated libelous statements, I do not support that "Ilk".
The impeachment over the Monica Lewinski affair was ridiculous.
The very same Ilk screams at Trump's opponents to Shut Up. He never had sex with that woman, she's not his type (despite being the spitting image of his ex-wife Marla), and the sex with her wasn't any good anyway.
We can all agree that Trump is lying about not having had sex with Stormy.
At the same time, this prosecution is political. The same district attorney who likes to downgrade robberies to misdemeanors is now using "novel legal theories" in order to prosecute a political enemy.
Knife-wielding suspect has felony charge reduced under Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s policies

To listen to the Ilk the consensual blowjob was the biggest calamity to befall the Republic between Pearl Harbor and the Benghazi Massacre. Even the most ardent anti-Licker thinks it hardly worth the bother to add perjury or rape to the 95 indictments against the Orange Sociopath.
There are strong cases against Trump, like the documents case. I think the salacious Stormy Daniels case is going to help him politically more than it's going to hurt him. And since I am a Trump opponent, I do not like that one bit.
Among prominent Democrats who matter, e.g. Members of Congress, it is almost without exception the Democrats who are most civil and issue-oriented.
Like how Rashida Tlaib vowed to "impeach the motherfucker"? Civil? Yeah, right.

Of course at a recreational message board like IIDB, we feel free to express our emotions.
Except certain emotions are considered ok to express - those critical of Republicans - and others less so - those critical of Democrats. When somebody dare express something less than civil about a Dem, they get attacked and called names. Otoh, people like me get attack even for pointing out this blatant double standard.

You tell us you will not vote for Trump and of course we accept that as true. You tell us you are neither racist nor misogynist; and again we accept that as true.
No, it is quite clear you do not accept that.

But your foul and bitter speech and disgusting views pander to Trumpists, racists and misogynists. Georgians having doubts about Trump, and considering staying home on Election Day (or even voting for Biden) will listen to your nasty slurs against Democrats and decide to vote for Trump.
What "nasty slurs" against Democrats? Is any criticism of a far-left Democrat a "nasty slur" to your Ilk?
I think unfair attacks on Trump make it more likely he will get elected, not less.

In other words, even if YOU really do vote for Biden you implicitly encourage your followers to vote for Trump. Thus you are a net asset for Trump's electoral hopes in Georgia. How do you feel about that?
I reject that assessment. I reserve the right to to criticize people, Republican and Democrat alike, when they deserve it. On IIDB, I usually criticize Democrats because of the makeup of the board. But when talking to somebody who wants to vote for Trump, I will criticize him or other Republicans. It just depends on the setting.
In general, I'd agree. The issue here is Trump is a special case. The guy's mouth is bigger than his combover. He lacks any sense of humility.
Trump is constitutionally incapable of shutting the fuck up. Even when it gets him in trouble, like with Judge Merchan.
I do not see why that makes "going low" by obsessing over the size and shape of the Trumpian member any more appropriate.
Trump makes Don Rickles look like Jimmy Carter.
Additionally, Trump is all about image, or at least the one he has tried to project since he was calling in to radio stations pretending to be someone else to talk up how awesome Donald Trump is.
Wait? When was that?
Where the hell have you been?
Donald Trump masqueraded as publicist to brag about himself

What's next, "What pandemic?"
Among prominent Democrats who matter, e.g. Members of Congress, it is almost without exception the Democrats who are most civil and issue-oriented.
Like how Rashida Tlaib vowed to "impeach the motherfucker"? Civil? Yeah, right.
recalling the Trump Rubio exchange is no more obsessed than recalling this.
...even if YOU really do vote for Biden you implicitly encourage your followers to vote for Trump. Thus you are a net asset for Trump's electoral hopes in Georgia. How do you feel about that?
Superior. That's how.
At least that's how the pseudo-centrist pretenders - the ones I actually know first hand IRL - feel about their secondary and tertiary support of The Orange.
First: While some Infidels may pretend to believe you'll vote Biden just to avoid violating ToU, I hope you're happy to learn that I actually do believe it! (As for your being a racist and/or misogynist, those terms are too ambiguous for me to take a stand.)

But the fact that you are not completely enmeshed in right-wing bullshit makes it all the more lamentable that you believe blatant falsehoods like this one:
Whatever happened to Michelle Obama's "when they go low, we go high"? These days, it's the left that goes below the belt first.

:confused2: The gap in civility, sense of duty, and especially simple honesty between most prominent Blues and most prominent Reds is absolutely too blatant to miss. Assuming, again, that you are being honest in the sentence I've reddened I admit to being absolutely flabbergasted. Somehow your brain has a subconscious filter that introduces huge bias.
Absolutely false. And Proof that your news-feeds, if any, are severely tainted.

Among prominent Democrats who matter, e.g. Members of Congress, it is almost without exception the Democrats who are most civil and issue-oriented. Top Republicans are mostly committed to Trump's lies and spend their efforts propagandizing with lies and insults rather than trying to help govern.

Of course at a recreational message board like IIDB, we feel free to express our emotions. But even here, Infidels "go high" more than do GOP Members of Congress whose duty is to be civil! And YouTube will show you the diction of actual low-level Trumpists. Have you watched some of these? The diction of the GOP masses is vile and imbecilic beyond compare.

Did Bill lust for Chelsea?
Of course not, but then again, she is no Ivanka.

Pro-tip for Derec: Comments like this lead to accusations (e.g. "misogyny") against you.

At the same time, this prosecution is political. The same district attorney who likes to downgrade robberies to misdemeanors is now using "novel legal theories" in order to prosecute a political enemy.
Knife-wielding suspect has felony charge reduced under Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s policies

There are strong cases against Trump, like the documents case. I think the salacious Stormy Daniels case is going to help him politically more than it's going to hurt him. And since I am a Trump opponent, I do not like that one bit.

It's too bad that the stacked Supreme Court and corrupt judges have delayed felony trials other than this bad one. However
(a) The felony charges in New York vs Trump are quite valid, even if somewhat novel.
(b) Comparing Trump's crimes in New York vs Trump with those of the pocket-knife wielder, it seems to me Trump's are more serious and deserve greater punishment. This is a welcome change from the usual course of justice: For example, white-collar criminals who steal many millions go free while a man selling "loosies" in Staten Island gets executed extrajudicially.
There are strong cases against Trump, like the documents case. I think the salacious Stormy Daniels case is going to help him politically more than it's going to hurt him. And since I am a Trump opponent, I do not like that one bit.
It's not the Stormy Daniels case, it's an election interference case.
There are strong cases against Trump, like the documents case. I think the salacious Stormy Daniels case is going to help him politically more than it's going to hurt him. And since I am a Trump opponent, I do not like that one bit.
It's not the Stormy Daniels case, it's an election interference case.
Nevertheless, he is still at the top of the charts.
Maybe it's that old thing about "I don't care what you say about me, just spell my name right."
First: While some Infidels may pretend to believe you'll vote Biden just to avoid violating ToU, I hope you're happy to learn that I actually do believe it!
Glad you changed your mind about that at least!

Somehow your brain has a subconscious filter that introduces huge bias.
I think you have a lot of bias yourself.

Pro-tip for Derec: Comments like this lead to accusations (e.g. "misogyny") against you.
Implying that one woman is more attractive than another is not "misogyny" by any definition of the word.

It's too bad that the stacked Supreme Court and corrupt judges have delayed felony trials other than this bad one. However
(a) The felony charges in New York vs Trump are quite valid, even if somewhat novel.
Why do you think it is valid? Esp. since it's being brought by the DA who is loathe to bring felony charges for actual felony crimes, such as armed robberies.
(b) Comparing Trump's crimes in New York vs Trump with those of the pocket-knife wielder, it seems to me Trump's are more serious and deserve greater punishment.
Putting hush money payment in the wrong category vs. robbing people of their hard-earned money while threatening them with a deadly weapon? Are you serious here? Do you really agree with Bragg that armed robberies should be downgraded to misdemeanors but that misdemeanors should be upgraded to felonies when it's his political opponent being tried?
This is a welcome change from the usual course of justice: For example, white-collar criminals who steal many millions go free while a man selling "loosies" in Staten Island gets executed extrajudicially.
You mean Eric Garner? He was not "executed". He resisted arrest and died because he had underlying health conditions. It was correct that the cops were not prosecuted. It was wrong that Garner's family became millionaires . But what does that have to do with Bragg going easy on armed robbers but hard on people in the opposing political party? This is some banana republic shit!
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