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Microwaving Grapes


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated

Why a Grape Turns Into a Fireball in a Microwave

Cleave a grape in half, leaving a little skin connecting the two hemispheres. Blitz it in the microwave for five seconds. For one glorious moment, the grape halves will produce a fireball unfit for domestic life.
OK y'all why does this happen.
Also, don't do this if you ever want to use the microwave again.

Could grape plasma propel a spacecraft?
I love the diversity of this forum. We currently have active threads on black holes, origin of life, and quantum tunneling Then Elixir pipes in with, "lookie what happens when we put random stuff in the microwave". :)

I think I would have to go with the explanation in the article. My physics education is 40 years old at this point. The brain is not good with original thought anymore. :(
I love the diversity of this forum. We currently have active threads on black holes, origin of life, and quantum tunneling Then Elixir pipes in with, "lookie what happens when we put random stuff in the microwave". :)
A staple of the internet. Remember the Microwaving Peeps empire from the early days of geocities?
I love the diversity of this forum. We currently have active threads on black holes, origin of life, and quantum tunneling Then Elixir pipes in with, "lookie what happens when we put random stuff in the microwave". :)
A staple of the internet. Remember the Microwaving Peeps empire from the early days of geocities?
No, I missed that one. Its probably best I not know about these things. I have enough trouble keeping meat and eggs from blowing up and messing up the inside of my microwave.
If you did not see the old series, Mythbusters. Sciene based testing of popular myths.

Could grape plasma propel a spacecraft?

There are no immovable objects, and all forces are irresistible (which is the answer to an ancient riddle).
Neutrino popped in and told me to say hi.
I am not sure whether you think a neutrino is an immovable object, or that it is an irresistable force, but I am confident that it is neither.
Popped into the universe and it told me to say hi.
I don't see a problem.

Put your nose on the window to make sure you get a good look....and make sure your home or apartment insurance is up to date.
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I'm surprised at the loose tolerance for size, I would have thought it would have had to be a quite good match for a standing wave.
I think the gap between grape halves varies from less than a mm where the halves connect to several mm at the top, along a gradient, and is bound to include a gap or few that’s is sympathetic to the microwave wavelength.

I wonder if it even has to be exactly that fundamental, or if exact multiples suffice to support a standing wave (like it would at acoustic frequencies)
High speed photography should tell that tale.
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