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Why you should vote for Trump

Donald Trump has vowed to immediately halt offshore wind energy projects “on day one” of a new term as US president, in his most explicit threat yet to the industry and the latest in a series of promises to undo key aspects of the transition to cleaner energy. “We are going to make sure that that ends on day one,” Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for November’s presidential election, said of the offshore wind farms. “I’m going to write it out in an executive order. It’s going to end on day one.”

Teh Gruaniad

And that's somehow supposed to be good?

Swizzle is still bowled over by Trump's masterful argument during the 2020 debate he had with Biden. In the video clip below, he explains his carefully thought out position on the subject. The birds. Let's not forget about all those dead birds!

I think Swizzle is still convinced of Trump’s prediction that Biden would cause the markets to crash. Hit over 40,000 today - for a bit.

The one thing that would bring a smile to the lips of Republicans these days would be the stock market to hit record lows or inflation to get up to the levels that it was during the height of the OPEC crisis in the 1970s.
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Something Swiz WON'T be watching:

Prices for food at home fell 0.2 percent in April, according to the Labor Department's consumer price index (CPI), the closely watched inflation gauge.
Something Swiz WON'T be watching:

Prices for food at home fell 0.2 percent in April, according to the Labor Department's consumer price index (CPI), the closely watched inflation gauge.
I just got an 18 pack of grade A large eggs from Kroger for $2.89. Doesn't seem too bad to me.
The one thing that would bring a smile to the lips of Republicans these days would be the stock market to hit record lows
Well, the DJIA started at 40.94 points, in May of 1896; I suspect that if it fell below 40 points (a decline of over 39,800 points, or 99.998%), even the MAGA crowd wouldn't be able to raise much of a smile.
Donald Trump has vowed to immediately halt offshore wind energy projects “on day one” of a new term as US president, in his most explicit threat yet to the industry and the latest in a series of promises to undo key aspects of the transition to cleaner energy. “We are going to make sure that that ends on day one,” Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for November’s presidential election, said of the offshore wind farms. “I’m going to write it out in an executive order. It’s going to end on day one.”

Teh Gruaniad

And that's somehow supposed to be good?

Don't think too much about it. If Biden were anti-Wind and the Psychopath pro-Wind, the Ilk would be just as happy to agree with their Master.
More Facebook posts. Along with a comment from someone. IMG_7545.jpeg

Nobody is perfect, but at least he has a brain !
And he ain’t no Damn Politician, He’s a businessman and that’s what we need !!!!!!!!

Oh sheesh. I don’t know where to begin. He really could shoot someone on fifth avenue and they’d still vote for him.
More Facebook posts. Along with a comment from someone. View attachment 46139

Nobody is perfect, but at least he has a brain !
And he ain’t no Damn Politician, He’s a businessman and that’s what we need !!!!!!!!

Oh sheesh. I don’t know where to begin. He really could shoot someone on fifth avenue and they’d still vote for him.
It's the worship syndrome. Some people see Orange and have a religious orgasm.
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Something Swiz WON'T be watching:

Prices for food at home fell 0.2 percent in April, according to the Labor Department's consumer price index (CPI), the closely watched inflation gauge.
I just got an 18 pack of grade A large eggs from Kroger for $2.89. Doesn't seem too bad to me.
Yeah, we got some for $2.49/18. Weekly coupon, limit 2.
It is obvious that Iran knows it would be devastated in a war with the US or its allies. That is why the warned us snout their “tat” in response to Israel’s “tit”. Their acquisition of a nuclear weapon does not change that awareness.
The fundamental problem is that Iran wants to sit in it's spider web using proxy armies to destroy. Our invasion of Afghanistan scared them because it made them realize that there was a point beyond which aiding terrorists would bring retaliation. They want to get the bomb to avoid that, so they can sit there pushing out terror without being held accountable. They've given their puppets every weapon system they're capable of operating, why do you think they wouldn't give their puppets the bomb?
My response that you did not read explains why I think so.
I have read your responses--they are basically 100% derails and misdirections.
That is evidence you have not. However, like a YECer, facts and rationality will not change your mindset.
More Facebook posts. Along with a comment from someone. View attachment 46139

Nobody is perfect, but at least he has a brain !
And he ain’t no Damn Politician, He’s a businessman and that’s what we need !!!!!!!!

Oh sheesh. I don’t know where to begin. He really could shoot someone on fifth avenue and they’d still vote for him.
Well, Caitlyn Jenner did pretty much exactly that.

I'm also reminded of a line from Fiddler on the Roof: "And it won't make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong; When you're rich, they think you really know"
More Facebook posts. Along with a comment from someone. View attachment 46139

Nobody is perfect, but at least he has a brain !
And he ain’t no Damn Politician, He’s a businessman and that’s what we need !!!!!!!!

Oh sheesh. I don’t know where to begin. He really could shoot someone on fifth avenue and they’d still vote for him.
Yet another reason I hate Trump so much. Facebook used to be fun. It was a great way to keep up with friends and family, post funny things, and just participate in an online community of people you know and like.

I came from a relatively close-knit (for SoCal anyway) town where everyone knows everyone to no more than a degree of separation. It was always a conservative town, but not one that I'd ever considered hateful. Then Trump happened and all these people I knew--or at least I thought I knew turned loud and ugly.

Were they always that awful? I don't know. I can say that I wouldn't have considered them to be so pig-ignorant, but clearly I was wrong.

Anyway, the nation's division isn't in the abstract; it's not red state vs. blue state. I have family members I grew up knowing and loving since my very earliest memories that I refuse to speak to because they've become so awful; and this happened because of what they did on Facebook.
More Facebook posts. Along with a comment from someone. View attachment 46139

Nobody is perfect, but at least he has a brain !
And he ain’t no Damn Politician, He’s a businessman and that’s what we need !!!!!!!!

Oh sheesh. I don’t know where to begin. He really could shoot someone on fifth avenue and they’d still vote for him.
Yet another reason I hate Trump so much. Facebook used to be fun. It was a great way to keep up with friends and family, post funny things, and just participate in an online community of people you know and like.

I came from a relatively close-knit (for SoCal anyway) town where everyone knows everyone to no more than a degree of separation. It was always a conservative town, but not one that I'd ever considered hateful. Then Trump happened and all these people I knew--or at least I thought I knew turned loud and ugly.

Were they always that awful? I don't know. I can say that I wouldn't have considered them to be so pig-ignorant, but clearly I was wrong.

Anyway, the nation's division isn't in the abstract; it's not red state vs. blue state. I have family members I grew up knowing and loving since my very earliest memories that I refuse to speak to because they've become so awful; and this happened because of what they did on Facebook.
I think tRump gives them permission to be ugly. It should have ended with this

I think Trump appeals to many people because he makes them feel relieved from their fears and insecurities. It isn't a real relief but on an emotional level it is there for some reason

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the trans and woke stuff is actually being funded by conservatives behind the scenes to put the Democrats in a bind. They want to be the empathetic all inclusive party but so much of the general public including Democratic votes think a lot of trans and woke stuff is crazy.
Trump said his followers were just like him, just poor. I do agree with him on that. Most people are very selfish, mean, and out for themselves . The poor are just as bad as the rich but they don't have the freedom to outright show ut
Trump happened and all these people I knew--or at least I thought I knew turned loud and ugly.
Yeah, he is the greatest promoter of UGLY I can recall in all my many days.
And I don't think that's a comment on my recollection.
There used to be a peaceful-if-uneasy relationship around here, between the ranching community and the Lib'rul "arts" community that has slowly been displacing them politically.
Then Trump showed up and now we have total idiots in lifted, wrapped trucks, parading around, brandishing ARs and trying to intimidate people, seemingly randomly and for no reason other than to flaunt their support for The Felon.
I find myself hoping that someone might decide to take them up on their implied thread and blow away a couple of those trucks. And I'm a lifelong fucking pacifist. I'm turning ugly.
Trump happened and all these people I knew--or at least I thought I knew turned loud and ugly.
Yeah, he is the greatest promoter of UGLY I can recall in all my many days.
And I don't think that's a comment on my recollection.
There used to be a peaceful-if-uneasy relationship around here, between the ranching community and the Lib'rul "arts" community that has slowly been displacing them politically.
Then Trump showed up and now we have total idiots in lifted, wrapped trucks, parading around, brandishing ARs and trying to intimidate people, seemingly randomly and for no reason other than to flaunt their support for The Felon.
I find myself hoping that someone might decide to take them up on their implied thread and blow away a couple of those trucks. And I'm a lifelong fucking pacifist. I'm turning ugly.
Yeah. Even Einstein abandoned pacifism in the face of fascism.
I think Trump appeals to many people because he makes them feel relieved from their fears and insecurities. It isn't a real relief but on an emotional level it is there for some reason

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the trans and woke stuff is actually being funded by conservatives Russia behind the scenes to put the Democrats in a bind. They want to be the empathetic all inclusive party but so much of the general public including Democratic votes think a lot of trans and woke stuff is crazy.
The Russians have, for a century or more, been masters at creating destabilising and corrosive propaganda.

Their problem, during the Soviet era, was the lack of a good delivery system.

People read local newspapers, and listened to local radio stations, and watched local TV stations, and where Russia tried to mimic these media channels, it was unavoidably obvious. You could put your propaganda into your own media channels, and you could maybe get some friendly local channels to parrot it; But ulimately even the most unsophisticated Westerners knew which ideas were coming straight from Moscow, and would treat it with the skepitcism it deserved.

The Internet, and particularly social media, changed all that. It became easy for a person anywhere in the world to pose, successfully, as a local "concerned citizen"; To introduce ideas by "Just Asking Questions"; And to give the impression of vast popular and local support, through astroturfing and the use of sock puppets.

The poorly educated rubes, trained to a lack of (local) skepticism by centuries of religious "teachings", were absolute suckers for any and all of the Internet's new ways to get their attention, and fell for Nigerian 419 scams, phishing attacks, and foreign propaganda, hook, line, and sinker.

The generation who grew up in the era before the Internet hold a genuine, heartfelt, and lifelong trust that media are fundamentally trustworthy, because "they wouldn't be allowed to say it if it wasn't true". My father in law has repeatedly given his bank details to scammers, because if an email says it came from his bank, and has his bank's logo on it, it must actually be from his bank - they wouldn't be allowed to send it if it wasn't for real.

Russia isn't behind every single destabilising rumour, every viral trend, every dubious politician or political idea, or every concept that white ants the structures of our society. But it's a better than 50-50 chance that any given example of these things originated (at least in part) with Putin's propaganda team.

The tabloid press (the Daily Mail being an exemplar) both amplify this propaganda, and add to it agenda items of their own. Like Moscow, they see profit in enraged citizens.

There was a protest march through Brisbane last week, by a group calling themselves "The People's Revolution". It was a small crowd; I had a front row seat as I was driving the first vehicle stopped by the police cordon, and I would estimate that there were perhaps 150-200 protestors. Their placards were fascinating, not for their content, but for its scattergun (lack of) focus. They were protesting about:

  • Mask wearing mandates (these went away years ago)
  • The imprisonment of Julian Assange
  • Digital Identity Cards (not, as far as I can tell, something currently even proposed by any Australian Government body)
  • Gun control laws
  • Bill Gates (no further information on what his alleged misdeed(s) might be, we are expected to know)
  • Vaccination (maybe that's Bill Gates's misdeed)
  • Health Insurance
  • The World Trade Organisation
  • Immigration
  • Taxes

And probably a few other things I didn't note at the time.

I have seen a lot of protest marches in my time, and even participated in a fair few. Never have I seen one so unfocussed, or unclear about its demands.

These are people who have been caught by the fallout at the fringes of a set of targeted attacks on America. Their concerns are mostly American issues, irrelevant to their lives in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; But the Internet crosses national boundaries, and propaganda designed to make the worst educated Americans become activists (even violent activists) against "the authorities" also makes a handful of comfortable Australians angry - because it's designed to invoke anger.

It is of zero importance to the originators in the Kremlin, or in the tabloid "newsrooms" what particular things people are angry about; They just need people to be angry.

In the '70s, the people who swallowed Kremlin propaganda were a tiny number of laughable losers; Wolfie Smith would have been right at home at last week's Brisbane protest. But today, they have 40+% of the vote, and may well choose an insane convict as the next US President, on the basis of this absurd collection of Kremlin amplified vague and imagined grievances.

And there seems to be very little that the reality based fraction of the population can do about it.
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